New to Cuddelink system - Is there a good starting setup.


A good 3 year old buck
I have read through the threads and they are all over the place and it makes sense for the Thread "Cuddelink 2020 Gen 2 Version"

What I want to know is there a recipe for starting out a New camera setup from start to finish?
The first item would be to setup a cuddelink Acct.
Then update all firmware to 8.0

What would you do from here?

I was waiting till the last day to turn info. for my free K-5789 camera hoping it would take 6-8 weeks it was here in a week. Does the year service start now or do I have to activate it to start?

Setup as follow:
(1) K-5789 Duel Cell Verizon Model
(2) J-1415 - Long Range IR (4 D Battery models)
(4) G5062 Powerhouse
All will be equipped with battery Booster 3358

They can all use this Booster 3358 Correct? What do you thing the battery life would be with these setups?
The year should start when they activated the Kcamera. You should have gotten an email regarding this a day or two before the camera shipped.

As far as starting out, I would set everything up in your living room where you have good sell service. Go through and set all the cameras in the Cuddelink mode and on the same channel, with the J's and G as Remotes and the K as a home unit. Make sure the K has a good cell connection before taking it to the field. I would start out with EZ mode for all cameras and then make adjustments (from online) as you see fit once the cameras are deployed in the field. Set the K up first and arm it. Make sure the K has a good enough cell connection. Then, go and set up the other cameras, checking the connection level to ensure it is above 20 for each of the Remote cameras. Once the cameras are deployed in the field, go online to the account portal and make sure they are all showing up (this may take up to 24 hours). There, you can change their flash settings as you see fit and rename the cameras. I also like to command each new camera to take a photo at day and night just to make sure the photos look good.

The battery booster packs should work great for all cameras. Good luck, and enjoy!
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I have read through the threads and they are all over the place and it makes sense for the Thread "Cuddelink 2020 Gen 2 Version"

What I want to know is there a recipe for starting out a New camera setup from start to finish?
The first item would be to setup a cuddelink Acct.
Then update all firmware to 8.0

What would you do from here?

I was waiting till the last day to turn info. for my free K-5789 camera hoping it would take 6-8 weeks it was here in a week. Does the year service start now or do I have to activate it to start?

Setup as follow:
(1) K-5789 Duel Cell Verizon Model
(2) J-1415 - Long Range IR (4 D Battery models)
(4) G5062 Powerhouse
All will be equipped with battery Booster 3358

They can all use this Booster 3358 Correct? What do you thing the battery life would be with these setups?
Thats a good set up. service started when they shipped your camera. Your camera should already be active if they shipped it to you.
If possible set them up outside with a little distance between them for a few days to learn. Play with heights and angles. Just turn them off to move them to hunting area. Think out where you want them in the field related to cell service and distance, summer foliage, topography (dirt) and mounting options (will you need to install a post). If cell service not a problem put K in lesser active spot so plenty of time for communication and camera. If you have dense foliage, go for 40-50 link level now to stay above 20 in summer.
Download 8.3 firmware, unzip and put .fw file on clean SD, check all cams. If you have to update fw, when it goes to Welcome screen, pull card immediately and put in formated card before continuing with setup.
Select channel combination with good gap, like 5-20.
Even if new, do full format, not quick on all cam cards.
Start with cell rate of 1 hour, flash close, I like wide aspect because emailed thumbnails include info strip.
Go through every menu setting. Make sure they are set where you want them.
With 3358s, if cam doesn't say EXT OK, go to test/SD, click six times and cam will look for external.
In field, Arm, when count down starts arrow up and verify link level, SD card, battery, back to arm and count down.
Hope this helps
Oh, when you set the K, in cell menu, run a cell test. It will send a cuddeback logo pic and say something like pass on camera. If account not active or bad cell connection, you'll get error code 2xx.