New Cuddelink problem


Buck Fawn
I’ve been running Cuddelink since Nov 2019 with very few issues. Two months ago I changed my non camera home unit out for a K-5789, I believe it is, that has a camera so that I am now running the full 16 cameras. Everything worked fine for about 6 weeks.

I do not live at my farm and about 2 weeks it just quit sending pictures so I’m here this weekend thinking that the solar unit on the new home cell wasn’t working right and it just needed batteries changed, but the unit is charged and working fine.

All I knew to try first was to send a test email and that has failed repeatedly even though my cell phone (same provider) has 2-3 bars everywhere I’ve tried it and the location I tried it is the same location the cell unit is always mounted and has worked fine for 26 months.

Any first thoughts by anyone about what might have changed in just the last 2 weeks?

Thanks I’m advance.
did you get an error code? if not try running it in a known LTE cell area away from the location it is now. if you cant get it to succeed there its time to send it back for repair or replacement.
Thank you. At the time, no, no error code. I just did a firmware update and tried to send the test again just now and am now getting the fail: 203 message.
Thank you. At the time, no, no error code. I just did a firmware update and tried to send the test again just now and am now getting the fail: 203 message.
thats a cell modem error, go into cell menu and run CC ID, if the numbers dont show up you need to call CS to set up a return. I would remove batteires and let LCD screen go blank , then re insert them before you look for the CCId numbers.
Appreciate that help. I just did that and no numbers show up. So rather than just typing them again, you suggest sending back?
call CS and they should set up a return for you , you will either get it repaired or replaced under warranty.
Thank you John, sir. I’ll do that tomorrow. Greatly appreciate the follow up.