New plot

No updates yet. I worked this weekend so I won't be out to the land till next weekend. I'll give an update and pics then. Going to be busy up there. I plan on spreading some more seed in this it if needed-rape radish rye plus some urea if it ever rains again. Been real dry for awhile now. Then I need to knock down my old WR in another plot and spread a lil more rye there. Plant a new opening with WR and some rape. Spray another new opening and maybe seed that too. Dig in 2 kiddie pool water holes and gill them. Spray a trail and trim it. And maybe paint and put in some more t posts on the property lines. I think I might run out of time for all of that.
Good luck getting this all done, we could use some rain here in MI as well.
I think my biggest problem during my initial planting was moisture. I had a good rain shortly after planting and since then it has been mostly dry with an occasional shower. Hopefully that will change or my reseeding and seeding of my other plots might not turn out so good. It will be interesting to see how the fruit trees I planted in the spring are looking with this dry weather.
I am going to hand dig the pools in if I get to that on my list. It shouldn't be too bad as the soil is sandy unless I hit a lot of roots.
image.jpg image.jpg I got a lot of stuff done and had fun with my family. This morning I spread the urea and fertilizer then reseeded some spots of my brassica plots. It was bone dry. Finished that as the thunder got closer. Ended up with an inch of rain today. Hopefully the plots take off now.
image.jpg Another update. I thought the brassicas were stunted but then I saw how they were growing in a cage around a dead tree that I never removed yet. Perfect, an exclusion cage w/o trying to make one. The plants in the cage are at least twice as big as the rest of the plants. Last night my suspicions were verified. We watched several deer chewing up the brassica plants left and right. No crop fields around here so I guess my place is the new 5 star restarant for the area deer.
You just might find yourself needing more tonnage next year and that's not a bad thing!
Hot wire and solar fencing charger may be in order there. Just sayin.....
Hit 'em with a good dose of milorganite...has worked well for me so far this year
I love that stuff. Not so much the smell, or being covered in it. But otherwise, it's nice for direct feeding. I haven't sold Marvin on it yet, but he'll come around.

What are those long poles in the background ?

I was going to make up a story about hosting a stripper camp but the poles are left over from a fence around a garden area we had last year.
Stripper camp story would have been good.
image.jpg Another update. You can really see how much the deer are hammering my plots. The brassicas in the exclusion cage look good so at least I know I can grow them. I guess this is what happens when you put plots in a forested no ag area. I put a camera out on my WR and it had 70 pics in one night. I like that my place is turning into the deer buffet.