New grafts care


5 year old buck +
I plan on putting my new grafts in the ground this weekend, my question is should I spray the new grafts like I would established trees? I usually start spaying my established trees with Captan about now.
wow you are brave to put them out so early especially in MN but I start spraying mine as soon as I put them in as part of my normal spray program. I wont put my grafted trees out until late May or early June. I am in PA and at that time the chance of low temps should be over which could be a problem for that tender new growth
After this weekend the forecasted lows are about 40 degrees for the next 10 days. USDA historical data for my location says past May 1st there is less than a 10% change of a freeze. Will check the forecast again before I plant them.
Good luck . I have all mine in rootrappers now and they are in my garage. I will begin taking them out for some sun but then can put them back in if its going to get too cold. I can then selectively choose the ones furthest along to go ahead and plant and will do this throughout the summer. I have 45 currently in rootrappers and another 6 or 7 still in a Lowes 5 gallon paint bucket in peat. Will need to plant a few of the ones in trappers as I am out of bags :(
Swing over to my house and you can use as many as you want Paul.
Thanks Spur but having some graft die off so I think I may have enough now sad to say. I think about 7 grafts got replant shock when I put them in rootrappers
Did you keep them in too moist of soil? I lost a few like that.
Yes they were didn't have a problem until I replanted and it happened in a day
Yes they were didn't have a problem until I replanted and it happened in a day

Wow, I’m still learning on this new grafting stuff, seems like a successful graft is only a little part of this whole equation.
They may have gotten too much sun or I compressed roots. I don't know but it's painful lol. I did them in shade and they weren't exposed long but still 3 really healthy looking grafts started to wilt almost immediately
They may have gotten too much sun or I compressed roots. I don't know but it's painful lol. I did them in shade and they weren't exposed long but still 3 really healthy looking grafts started to wilt almost immediately

I am not saying it is right or wrong. However, letting them get to the stage of having as much growth as some of you guys do before planting always concerns me. I dont like to see leaves on mine prior to planting, green tips yes, leaves no.
I am not saying it is right or wrong. However, letting them get to the stage of having as much growth as some of you guys do before planting always concerns me. I dont like to see leaves on mine prior to planting, green tips yes, leaves no.

Could be the problem for sure but timing and temperatures dictate when I put them in rootrappers. Maybe next year they go directly into rootrappers after grafting in my basement. I think the shock to the roots is the issue here now as some of the roots are tangled and some get ripped off the root when separating them
I am going to try and get all of my new grafts moved to the my nursery/garden the later part of this week. Temps look pretty moderate the next 15 days with the coldest (low of 37) being the early part of this week.
I'd like to start planting mine out but probably not until next weekend.
I put mine out with no growth showing, dormant may 1 in Maine. I spray nursery trees and grafts lightly, every other spraying. I plant grafts in plastic mulch. Drying out and weed competition has been my biggest challenge with grafts.

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I delayed planting mine till hopefully next weekend, forecast calling for two nights at 35 degrees. I have to travel for a few days this week so the new grafts will have to sit by a sunny window this week.
My conundrum is getting as fresh scion as I can and not worrying about it drying out in fridge vs getting too much growth before putting in ground or in rootrappers in my garage. As I said I am going right to rootrappers next year after grafting It's a problem with the roots I believe as it seems the growth on the rootstocks are also turning brown. Looks like I will lose 13 or 14 grafts
Happily, weather forecast shows I am past frost and cool/rainy for the next few days. I planted out 50+ grafted into my home nursery last night and a dozen rootstock for budding later. Have a another handful of grafts to plant tonight. The rest, 30-40, will get planted Sat night or Sunday at their final locations in my farm orchard.
Well my grafts are in the nursery, they looked a little tired at the end of they day from all day sun and a bit of wind, at this point they will just have to get used to it as mother nature is now in charge.
Woke up to a frost. Mother Nature and weather forecasters are both on my hate list at the moment.