New Barn Build

I'm not as excited about building a new house as the wife is...but I have to keep her happy.
Rule #1 in a man's playbook, H20. But I see you already know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😁 Best wishes for your new home build.
My wife had been getting on my case about building the house lately. I suppose in the spring I could start with the site prep, but that will probably just make things worse. I am hoping a couple more years before I start, I like the no loan thing, and prefer to keep it that way. Building the house will push back my retirement, and I am not a fan of that.
I will show the studio apartment in a little more detail now that we are 90% unpacked.
The place looks and feels more like a hunting camp than our home to me. My wife surprisingly absolutely loves it , easier to clean and super quiet at night….and she is one step closer to getting her house built. We are enjoying country life again, it had been over thirty years since we moved to town.

We have lived here for a little over a month now, it was way more of an adjustment for me than it was for the wife, it is very cool seeing all the wildlife right in our yard…we have deer visiting every evening. Have seen a four pack of bachelor bucks, three baskets and one nice one a few times.

So I will show you all how this project has turned out.

The bathroom

The kitchen

The dining room, this will get drywall and wainscot within the next year.

The downstairs family room, we ended up doing epoxy on the floor here. Like it so much we will be doing the garage floor the same next month.

The utility room with xtra shelving that my wife really likes. This also has a trench drain that the pics don’t show.

The garage, the walls are 17’ tall so I tried to use them as much as I could for storage.

Stairs leading to loft. We did a built in closet under them.

Our bedroom upstairs family room. Will be finishing the walls up here after we build the house.

The apartment ended up being right around 1800 sq ft. Plenty of room and insulated very well, the air hasn’t seemed to be kicking on that much at all this past month and it has stayed nice and cool. This winter will be the test. We did add a dehumidifier as soon as we moved in and humidity is staying around 46.

It’s sure a lot different than the conventional home we moved out of, but it sure works for us right now. And the peace of mind not owing a penny in the world on anything is very nice.
Hopefully we can bank up enough to just pay for the new house out of pocket in two years.
Did you do that epoxy on the floor? I did one myself that turned out good but that turned out great.
Did you do that epoxy on the floor? I did one myself that turned out good but that turned out great.
I did not.
One of my youngest sons friend’s did it for us.
Did add this rolling cabinet to the kitchen for pots&pans storage. My wife likes it and I don’t hate it, does provide the xtra storage we needed. And will be handy on the holidays.

Was literally a Chinese puzzle to put together, prolly took me over three hours.

I think you need more duck decoys. Place is looking great!
I think you need more duck decoys. Place is looking great!

Thanks, I’m kind of ashamed to admit it…but that’s not all my duck decoys. And I’ve got a shed full of goose decoys.
The waterfowling bug bit me hard at a very young age and has only gotten worse since. I was lucky enough to live close to a very big lake with a refuge on it. Fifteen years ago was probably when I peaked I had just quit guiding and was hunting like crazy all over North America with chasing divers being my passion.

Lately I have pretty much just duck hunted around here the last few years.
Now it’s more about hunting with a few close friends and my two sons, and I really enjoy just hunting by myself with the dog. Looking forward to getting my grandsons out in a few years.
It is getting harder to get off the couch to break ice or lay out in snow covered stubble as I get older..I hope I never loose the itch.
Had epoxy put down on the garage floor yesterday. I think the floor space is around 20’x30’, added a little grit to the top clear coat finish to keep it from getting slick if wet.
Should help with dust and potential stains and make any type of cleanup much easier.

Nicely done! I think you'r going to enjoy staying debt free. Was a big deal for us.