5 year old buck +
I meant to take a photo at the farm and check to variety of tree but forgot both so here it goes without both: I have an apple tree that is an EMLA 111 planted as a bare root in spring of 2011 or 2012. I do not recall the variety. It is probably 13 or 14 feet tall and has a good row of laterals at 5.5 feet. It does not have buds laterals or anything again until. 10 feet. Should I cut the central leader back like you would on a second leaf that put on more than 4 feet of growth as I have seen recommended in other threads?
Is it getting full sun? What variety and what are your goals for the tree, feeding deer, human consumption?
you could do as Lot2Learn suggested. that was my first thought. or if you wanted to be adventurous, tbud a crab apple in that empty space for pollen and another variety.
Deepsleep, It gets full sun it is in a small orchard with about 30 other apple trees. My goal is both deer and consumption - family loves apples and deer get all the leftovers.

lot2learn, I use that technique on trees often but there has to be a sprout or bud (whatever you want to call it). Here there are nine for 5-7 feet.
Thanks for posting L2L. That link to Ben's post answered the question I was wondering about - how to get more lateral branches started. Perfect timing !! I've got some long, bare leaders on 2 & 3 year old trees. I'll do some scoring on them this week. I have lots of clothes pins !!
That's strange to have 5+ feet of bare trunk on a tree like that in full sun. I have a couple similar to your description but it is entirely from lack of sun/reaching. I'm not an expert, but I would let it go this summer, and if nothing fills in, I would top the tree 2 feet or so above the lowest laterals you plan to keep. I wouldn't do it now, though.
I dont know how many fruit trees I have now, probably 100 plus and I agree it is strange. I really think it got too much central leader growth it's second year and I should have cut it back to 4 feet of growth. I am at the farm today and will look at it closely today. I may even try to post a picture and measure the space without any laterals.
I think that I'd reluctantly cut the central leader down to 4-6" above where I wanted my next set of laterals.
Here is a success and a failure.IMG_9370.JPGIMG_9367.JPG

The failure is a result of roundup drift killing a limb and probably the buds on that side of the tree.
I looked today and it appears as though some buds are starting to peek through. I am going to check it in a couple of weeks before doing anything. I hope it buds and I can score it right above the buds and all will be good. On another note, I am about to start a new thread on a pear problem!