Need some help!


Buck Fawn
Hey. These invasive weeds have showed up this year in our 3 clover plots. Section 3 didn’t phase them. Please help me with ID and what I can do to get rid of it. Thanks y’all!!

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First weed looks to me like smart weed. Smart because when you mow it, it will learn to throw seed below your mower blade. "Basagran herbicide" may help. "Thanks John R" for teaching me that.

Second one is a "Rush". Plots wet.

Third looks like partridge pea. Could be worse.

Others will chime in with better advise but to me it looks like it's time to burn the plot and plant something that will suck the N up. Then rotate back to clover.
Not sure what that 4th weed is.
Not sure what that 4th weed is.

Thank you sir!! We tried to burn down last week but it didn’t phase any of those weeds. Guess I need to go stronger. Lol

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Sorry second one may be a sedge.

Rushes are round, sedges are flat, in respect to the leaf. I don't see many in person other than yellow nut sedge.
1st is smartweed for certain.
2nd looks like sedge to me. A lot of guys think its a grass...its not, so grass herbicide won't kill it.
3rd looks like partridge pea. A good legume. My deer eat it.
Last pic could be pigweed but its hard to tell from the pic. Pigweed is a nightmare for a lot of guys.
I agree with all that tap says.

2 is a sedge, it's in a stage of bloom
What herbicide would y’all suggest that I use to just burn down and start over?

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Lots of herbicides on the market. WHEN you spray is as important as WHICH HERBICIDE you spray. Weed maturity has a huge bearing on herbicide selection.
Some weeds, with some herbicides are almost impossible to kill once they have reached flower/seed stage.
You may have missed the boat on the time to spray your weeds.
I don't know what Section 3 herbicide is.
Gly should put a hurting on most of your weeds.
And if it were my place, I would try to not kill the partridge pea.
I might consider using a legume safe herbicide, then come back with a grass herbicide. Your clover and PP should survive, but your unwanted weeds may need another dose.
IMOX is legume safe but weeds need to be young. 2,4 DB is safe on clover, but not sure about the PP. It won't effect grass. Some herbicides can be mixed and some can't. I play it safe and just do a spraying for each.

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Smartweed (sign of damp soils) - good luck, heavy seed producer.
Yellow nut sedge - a sedge not a grass or a broadleaf....again difficult to get rid of.
Red root pigweed - another PITA - can be gly resistant.
partridge pea - legume good native plant.

Lots of what you show are flowering and getting ready to produce seed. DON'T LET IT! The true "weeds" are prolific seeders and letting them go to seed only prolongs your pain. Mowing can address many of them. The smartweed grows low to the ground so it's tough to control with mowing alone. it's also much easier to kill young weeds vs mature ones. You may have to sacrifice your pea for the sake of the better good.
Basagran will kill the smart weed.
2,4 D-B (Butyrac) will kill the pigweed but may smoke the pea.
Sedge Hammer "Expensive"!! Or a generic will kill the sedge. Gly won't touch it.

There may be something that does all three but I don't know of it. Depending on how old the clover plot is it may be time to rotate to something that will use up the N in the soil that the clover produced.

Fall brassica's maybe. You could do one at a time over a couple years if you don't want to go whole hog.
Thanks guys!!

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