What, when and how to trim: An Apple tree and A Pear tree


5 year old buck +
Hey y’all. Been away a long time. I see the site is doing good.

Neglected my home food plots, habitat, and fruit trees. Time to get back to it.

I need help determining which limbs to trim up on these two trees, and when to do it. I probly missed the time to do it over the winter lol. Thanks in advance.



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Nice trees!

Myself I would cut off anything below 4' get a ladder and open up centers a little and cut crossing branches and anything growing in.
And put cages around both of them!
Nice trees!

Myself I would cut off anything below 4' get a ladder and open up centers a little and cut crossing branches and anything growing in.
And put cages around both of them!

I can cut that stuff right now?

Thanks by the way. I appreciate the response.

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Here is what I would consider doing, see below. I think your real issue is shading. Very little horizontal light so the tree is really only growing upward. You really do not have much for horizontal scaffolding.

When you prune, you want to prune above a downward facing bud. This will help start a new limb inline with the existing limb and cause the existing limb to thicken and grow stronger.

You definitely need more sunlight on the lower part of the tree.

I''ll let others with more experience jump in and comment on if this can be done in your situation.

BTW ... go on YouTube and search pruning old apple trees. There should be some good info for your situation.
Yes you can cut it right now, I’m still doing some pruning here.
I'd probably cut the entire competeing leader. The larger leader has some nice horizontal limbs starting in that direction too.