Definitely marestail/horseweed. It laughs at Gly on my place. We have started using Liberty to get it under control in with beans/corn, as it usually becomes a problem in no-till RR beans. As mentioned above, mowing will set it back (or kill it if timed right), and repeat mowing will kill it, so it seldom becomes a problem in clover plots that get mowed a couple times per year. It also doesn't do well with shade, so leaving fall planted rye growing to maturity in the spring/summer can reduce the amount of it as well. By the way, If you sprayed Gly and 2,4-D, you will either kill or severely set back your white clover.Everything I have read says 2-4d does the job along with a few others. Also says to combine 2-4d and Gly. There’s a good amount of white clover throughout the plot so hopefully by mowing it will help the clover grow. If not, I’ll have to just try to kill the entire plot and start over in Aug.
Definitely marestail/horseweed. It laughs at Gly on my place. We have started using Liberty to get it under control in with beans/corn, as it usually becomes a problem in no-till RR beans. As mentioned above, mowing will set it back (or kill it if timed right), and repeat mowing will kill it, so it seldom becomes a problem in clover plots that get mowed a couple times per year. It also doesn't do well with shade, so leaving fall planted rye growing to maturity in the spring/summer can reduce the amount of it as well. By the way, If you sprayed Gly and 2,4-D, you will either kill or severely set back your white clover.
Established clover can actually be tough to control, so it'll be a waiting game to see if your clover survives. What rate did you use and what formulation? How old is the clover and what is your climate like? Hot? Drought?Just sprayed 2-4d.
So, looks like 1.25 qt/A. I would be surprised if you didn't see significant damage to the clover, although it is possible it recovers. Hopefully, it smokes the marestail in the process.Central IL, year 2 of established clover. 42 gallons of water, 2.5 gallons of 2-4d with hi-yield surfactant. Gordon’s 2-4d Amine 400. Sprayed a total of 8 acres. Drove 5-8mph on atv which calculated out to be 5.5GPA. Gumbo 45 gallon sprayer 2.4GPM pump