need any firewood?


5 year old buck +
The Emerald Ash borer struck again. a nice big Ash tree in our yard. The guy who took it down said it was about 85' tall, he made quick work of it and now the clean up begins. I have a couple friends that burn wood and are going to take it, still bums me out that such a big ole tree is gone.

That sucks to loose a big one or any one for that matter.
That sucks. I just lost two huge elms in my yard this year, tons of good shade lost. They've been here forever and just like that they are toast. It will give me something to do this winter I guess.
Dead ash has been my buddies mainstay for cutting firewood this past few winters. Ash have been dieing like crazy, so the tree owners are forced to sell to get some money before they rot standing. Easy to find a couple hundred cord of standing trees every winter.
Dead ash has been my buddies mainstay for cutting firewood this past few winters. Ash have been dieing like crazy, so the tree owners are forced to sell to get some money before they rot standing. Easy to find a couple hundred cord of standing trees every winter.
The guy that took this down for me said that taking Ash trees is most of his business right now.
That sucks. I just lost two huge elms in my yard this year, tons of good shade lost. They've been here forever and just like that they are toast. It will give me something to do this winter I guess.
You don't realize how much shade you have until these are gone.
That's a tough one but, better to take care of it now before it dropped and hurt somebody or caused property damage.

Are you going to plant a new tree to take its place?
Yea we are going to replace it but not sure with what yet, maybe a maple.
Doesn't the firewood movement restrictions but a damper on the value of Ash trees. Maybe Minnesota doesn't have the restrictions that Wisconsin does.

If you have an EAB-infested tree that you would like to use as firewood, be aware that EAB can continue to emerge from the wood for two years after cutting. To avoid spreading EAB, split and leave the wood to age near where you cut the tree for two summers. After two years of drying, EAB that may have been within the wood will have emerged or died. The aged firewood poses little risk of introducing EAB and you may move it freely within the limits of the quarantine.
That sucks Scott! Do you guys have oak wilt in your area? We have it and have it bad. With oak wilt and ash bore, I will be left with poplar, willows, and maples. Soooo sad. Any guesses to how old your tree was?
The guy who cut it estimated it at 120 yrs old, not any oak wilt here yet but it's northwest of me and I'm sure it's only a matter of time till it's here. Pretty soon all I'll have is Boxelders and conifers.
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Huge patch of standing dead ash just NW of me. Most of my older ash are dead or dying. No idea if its EAB or something else

I know that the ash look really sick around here this year too, but the experts say that it is anthracose fungus. Believe that I heard it is non fatal, but who knows how damaged they will be.
I know that the ash look really sick around here this year too, but the experts say that it is anthracose fungus. Believe that I heard it is non fatal, but who knows how damaged they will be.
Likely weakened and damaged enough to allow the borer to have a huge affect on them!
Here's a couple pics on my parents place, maybe an acre in size. These trees started to look bad a couple years ago and are totally gone now, I was wondering what we were going to do here but I think nature has taken over with elderberrys and other shrubs that have been released with more sunlight. It's amazing how only a couple years ago this had that parklike look and now it's a jungle.

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Got a suprise when I got home from hunting tonight, one of the guys that took the wood from this tree had it made into a table for us, pretty cool.

Got a suprise when I got home from hunting tonight, one of the guys that took the wood from this tree had it made into a table for us, pretty cool.

That's awesome! (The table, not the dead trees)
Very nice. Part of the tree came back home.
Thats awesome Scott!