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Name J-bird's place poll

Which name/logo combination do you like

  • Total voters


I posted the thread asking for help and although we had some fun I think I have it narrowed down to 4 options. Please select one and if you want comment as to how you voted and why. If they suck - say so, but tell me why. You can't hurt my feelings......I don't have any.

Selections are below:
4 finalists.jpg
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I like Fall Creek Farm, it rolls off the tongue.
I like Fall Creek Farm. My handle "west branch" comes from the west branch of a river that run through the farm for 3/4 mile.
I went Fall Creek Farm as well .... I am kinda of partial to creeks!:D I think I would like the graphics better if they were in black and white though.
Fall Creek Farm sounds good. Paints a pleasant mental picture. To me, any property with water on it is a good place.
Fall Creek.
Before I cast my vote I want to know just exactly how lonely that oak is?;)
None of the above!
Busted Buck....I'm a sucker for alliteration.

and it could make a cool western style cattle brand type "logo" with two BB's.
MNFISH - that is exactly what I am after. My biggest concern is that I don't want a "busy" graphic. It will more than likely just be a single color to keep it simple. That was part of why I liked the deer in the logo. I can demonstrate the involvement of the deer without needing tons of detail in the graphic.

OK MO - I gotta ask - what don't you like. Be honest and don't hold back.......not like I would expect anything else. I said you can tell me they suck - it's ok.

Phil - "Alliteration" holy crap! I had to look that up.....yep, I was wrong!

Family vote:
Wife and youngest daughter liked "Busted Buck"
Middle daughter and my buddy that hunts my place liked "Lonely Oak"
Oldest daughter liked "Fall Creek"

I have to get my son's opinion yet.
"OK MO - I gotta ask - what don't you like. Be honest and don't hold back.......not like I would expect anything else. I said you can tell me they suck - it's ok."

Those 4 are to PG, and Kumbaya-ish for me!

I would go with something like "J-Birds Kickass Deer Camp!";)
MO that was sort of my thinking behind "Ornery Buck" It could stand for the deer, my bucks tend to be beat up some so they like to fight. I though it would also carry an undertone of the crotchety old bastard that runs the joint = me. That was why the graphic showed a buck with some busted points.

I'll be honest it's the one I like the most, but apparently not everybody make the connection .....or have no idea what ornery means. Ornery isn't a regional term is it?
I think the place should name itself over time. Mine are called the 240 and the 827. There are parts of each that have names with history and meaning and they stick. Shocker plot. Angry beaver. Grouse nest. Lynettes. Keeters. New north. 55. Tuber boober.
Free Beer and Barbecue Acres......has a nice ring to it. ;)
Lonely oak makes me sad. Why is there only one oak? Did he do something to make the other oaks leave? Is this the black oak of the neighborhood?

There is such a thing as a black oak right? Zone 5+?
Lonely oak makes me sad. Why is there only one oak? Did he do something to make the other oaks leave? Is this the black oak of the neighborhood?

There is such a thing as a black oak right? Zone 5+?

Do oaks have feelings? Do ducks have lips? What's the difference between a duck? - -- Things that make you stop and wonder. ;)
OK lets keep the ideas moving. "Ornery Buck" needs a more aggressive logo. The "Lonely Oak" is lonely - I have 1 yes only 1 true white oak on the entire place and it's a big one. The rest got logged off years ago. The other oaks I have are northern red, chinkapin and burrs. "Fuzzy Nuts Farm" relating to the bur oak acorns isn't something I think my wife will let slide. I also am not going with "Tiny Nuts Farm" either in ref to the chinkapin oak.

Sounds like I have more work and thought to put into it. We have been here for nearly 20 years now and well - I'm still struggling with that identity I guess.
Anything "bucks" sounds like those over hyped show farms where there are unlimited acres and 3 million dollars in food plot machinery available.
Anything "bucks" sounds like those over hyped show farms where there are unlimited acres and 3 million dollars in food plot machinery available.
SD - That sure ain't my place. I'll keep that in mind. The only reason I like the term "buck" is that I can use it as a double meaning for "guy" "dude" or "boy". That means I can sort of use it to describe the dude in charge (me) as well a little bit - without being openly in your face about it. "A$$-hole in charge Farm" Isn't going to go over very well, but "Crotchety Buck Farm" can send a similar message without being obvious about it.
SD - That sure ain't my place. I'll keep that in mind. The only reason I like the term "buck" is that I can use it as a double meaning for "guy" "dude" or "boy". That means I can sort of use it to describe the dude in charge (me) as well a little bit - without being openly in your face about it. "A$$-hole in charge Farm" Isn't going to go over very well, but "Crotchety Buck Farm" can send a similar message without being obvious about it.
if you liked "alliteration" then you will surely like double entendre.