I'll get more into detail with the shrub strips.
My goal with the shrubs strips is to try and create an old school thick fence row down the north and west side of pasture, only planted to trees/shrubs with browse/nuts/berries for wildlife to eat, nest and bed in. Along with the benefit of helping make a privacy screen and blocking in pasture. I have over planted the strips thicker as far as spacing with extra trees/shrubs to offset any loss to winterkill/animals/disease/bugs/weather..I can always thin a little later, I just wanted to get as many beneficial things growing as soon as I could.
Early last June we planted around the ponds, have them planted in two rows at each pond;
Bare root-
700 Buttonbush
100 Red-osier Dogwood
50 Purpleosier Willow
58 Silky Dogwood
The pasture shrub strips are four rows around 1600' long spaced 10' apart down the north side running east to west.
The four rows on the west end are also spaced 10' apart and are around 700' long running north to south.
In these we planted bare root-
800 Red-osier Dogwood
290 Black Chokeberry
159 Pin Oak
159 Native Crab Apple (that ended up being Sargenti crabs)
3 gallon potted-
25 Gray Dogwood
20 Winterberry
20 American Cranberry Bush
19 Elderberry
Everything was planted over a two day period and we had a good 1 1/2" slow rain end of second day. The success rate was fantastic with almost everything seeming to take well.
Fast forward a year after the extended winter we just had and we lost some to winter freeze out, I think due to the cold-young shrubs and our clay. Mostly it was ROD and Button bush, I did notice some dead Pin Oaks and Cranberry. Some of the shrubs only the above ground died out and it is trying to push new growth as of today...but some is definitely just DOA.
We also planted 10 Dunstan's besides the ones along woods, 20 White Pine, 10 White Cedar, 35 Hazelnut, 30 High Bush Cranberry and 8 NWC.
The chestnuts and crabs are caged.
"Edit; Spring of 2019 added to strips,
25 Chokeberry
25 Winterberry
25 Snowberry
25 Highbush Cranberry
25 Hazelnut
25 Elderberry
25 American Plum
25 Nannyberry
25 Ninebark
All 2'-3' bare root"
"Edit; March 31 2020 added to strips,
25 American plum 3'
25 Ninebark 3'
25 Nannyberry 2'
25 Indain Currant 2'
All bare root"
East end of shrub strips
Middle of strips looking east
Middle looking west
West end
West strips facing south
West strips facing north
Red is shrub strips, the ones by ponds are mostly buttonbush and some dog wood, down the left side-bottom and strips by chestnuts in between ponds are planted with everything else . Light blue is Dunstan's, the dark along top and patches are white pines/white cedar.
The fruit orchard is off to the top left not in the pic.