Must haves dream plot?


5 year old buck +
Awnless wheat, Winter Rye, Ladino, Alfalfa, Chicory, and Radishes for a base to plant this fall.

What would you add? Must have's that I'm missing? I have a sneaky suspicion that I should add a Med Red, Arrowleaf, and Durana clovers.
I think it depends on your goals. I would add Medium Red to about any mix, but I would only add Durana if I wanted it to be a long term clover plot after the first year.
The trilogy ... medium red clover, winter rye, and forage turnips/radishes (appin, barkant, ground hog).

From there you can add different seed varieties for diversity, carbon, etc.

I like sorghum sudan grass, milllet, etc. for some height in the plot along OM addition.
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I think it depends a lot on where you live. Ideal food plot in my area - SW AR - is wheat and durana clover. Plant both at the same time - one planting per year. Beans or peas get annihilated by deer. Corn seed gets eaten by hogs before it germinates. Any brassica, radish, etc needs to be planted first of Sep and will burn up right after germinating, or if it does come up, will be devoured by army worms. All the critters, drought, spring floods, finally taught me the best - and it turns out - easist plantings - for my area. Dont fight it. Go with what works. I used to plant all kinds of stuff. Was planting something from Feb through Oct. I did not have one more deer - and spent a lot more time doing it.
I think it depends a lot on where you live. Ideal food plot in my area - SW AR - is wheat and durana clover. Plant both at the same time - one planting per year. Beans or peas get annihilated by deer. Corn seed gets eaten by hogs before it germinates. Any brassica, radish, etc needs to be planted first of Sep and will burn up right after germinating, or if it does come up, will be devoured by army worms. All the critters, drought, spring floods, finally taught me the best - and it turns out - easist plantings - for my area. Dont fight it. Go with what works. I used to plant all kinds of stuff. Was planting something from Feb through Oct. I did not have one more deer - and spent a lot more time doing it.
I like alberlasting better than durana. But otherwise I think you’re right!
omicron-Tell me more about Aberlasting, I am really interested but have never even seen the stuff. How tall does it grow? How fast does it establish compared to ladino varieties? Did you plant it in a mix or pure stand? Love to hear about it.
omicron-Tell me more about Aberlasting, I am really interested but have never even seen the stuff. How tall does it grow? How fast does it establish compared to ladino varieties? Did you plant it in a mix or pure stand? Love to hear about it.
Same! Never planted it.
It’s an improved white clover that’s persistent and has great heat tolerance. I’ve never had a clover make it till August, and it’s still going strong. Deer seem to love it.

Did mine today. Oats, Wheat Austrian peas, ladino, medium red, berseem clovers, outsidepride dreen greens. Turnips, kale, rape, and daikon raddish.

Frosty Berseem is the initial WOW clover in the imperial clover seed bag. Austrian peas are nibbled to the ground by me. Really enjoyable up at camp, ruffed grouse absolutely love it. Watch the birds fight over the plot unitl the deer come.
For me the only location I've ever had clover that was a big time deer draw is in a secluded opening in a wooded valley.

My deer (both WI and MN) absolutely pile into brassicas from mid October until they're gone, which is usually late Nov or early December. I always overseed with rye and last year added some crimson clover.

I've also had good luck using a "two strip" method with one strip being brassicas planted July 20-Aug 10 and this blend planted ~Labor Day -
75# oats
25# peas
25# soybeans
25# buckwheat
3# radish
Overseed with 100# rye about a month later. Money in my area until after the snow flies.
For me the only location I've ever had clover that was a big time deer draw is in a secluded opening in a wooded valley.

My deer (both WI and MN) absolutely pile into brassicas from mid October until they're gone, which is usually late Nov or early December. I always overseed with rye and last year added some crimson clover.

I've also had good luck using a "two strip" method with one strip being brassicas planted July 20-Aug 10 and this blend planted ~Labor Day -
75# oats
25# peas
25# soybeans
25# buckwheat
3# radish
Overseed with 100# rye about a month later. Money in my area until after the snow flies.
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Again. Beautiful.

My deer wouldn’t touch it. Ha
Awnless wheat, Winter Rye, Ladino, Alfalfa, Chicory, and Radishes for a base to plant this fall.

What would you add? Must have's that I'm missing? I have a sneaky suspicion that I should add a Med Red, Arrowleaf, and Durana clovers.
Dream plot? A four foot tall with visibility pockets, edible perennial wildflower plot that pulls and holds deer the entire season, doesn't lodge, doesn't devolve into weedery, and is low maintenance, low equipment.
Dream plot? A four foot tall with visibility pockets, edible perennial wildflower plot that pulls and holds deer the entire season, doesn't lodge, doesn't devolve into weedery, and is low maintenance, low equipment.
Build it and they will come! That would be the true dream plot!
For attraction my top three.

Chicory, radish, fall planted sunflowers

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Would love to grow peas, they barley get 4-5" before deer take them out.
Dream plot.... Tried to get a nice stand of crimson clover this year. Think I sprayed the plot too hot with gly this spring. Everything was looking rough for awhile. I need to do something about compaction next year. Crimson came up put a few flowers here n there this summer, no wow though.

I hear deer/moose in Canada like lupine. Always wanted some lupine in the plot. Good hunting land has been a challenge for me for many years, anything tat grows well and is enjoyed is gladly welcomed. Hunting around a nice orchard of apples trees is a dram I'm working on.

Always wanted a nice summer crop of cow or clay peas. Maybe next year. Dvidiing my 1/2 acre food plots into 3rds. Kept the middle third mostly weed free clover. a 1/6th of an acre to rototill with a big walkbehind isn't a big task. Foodplot day might be numbered, oldest kid has been toying iwith the idea of buildign a house there............ Most of my apple trees will stay though.
Dream plot.... Tried to get a nice stand of crimson clover this year. Think I sprayed the plot too hot with gly this spring. Everything was looking rough for awhile. I need to do something about compaction next year. Crimson came up put a few flowers here n there this summer, no wow though.

I hear deer/moose in Canada like lupine. Always wanted some lupine in the plot. Good hunting land has been a challenge for me for many years, anything tat grows well and is enjoyed is gladly welcomed. Hunting around a nice orchard of apples trees is a dram I'm working on.

Always wanted a nice summer crop of cow or clay peas. Maybe next year. Dvidiing my 1/2 acre food plots into 3rds. Kept the middle third mostly weed free clover. a 1/6th of an acre to rototill with a big walkbehind isn't a big task. Foodplot day might be numbered, oldest kid has been toying iwith the idea of buildign a house there............ Most of my apple trees will stay though.
I tried lupine my friend but it never did that great. Might try it again sometime. Old timers here talk about it.
My dream plot is the one on my own land that I can be at in 5 minutes of moderately steep walking..that said….my go to mix is a brassica mix with at least 3-4 varieties, mammoth red, medium red, ladino, aberlasting and alsike clover and also chicory then overseed with WR or WW around Labor Day. I’ve done 4-5 plots with a mix somewhat like this and had great success..if it were my dream plot I would try to get some alfalfa in the mix also but most of the ground I’m on isn’t conducive to that…