Must haves dream plot?

I currently use the blends below which were based on lickcreek/dbltree offerings with my own modifications. "Bucktober" blend is sweetened with soybeans for early season hunting and cereal rye is removed so I can let wheat go to seed following year. The late season blend will be sprayed with clethodim to terminate rye in following year. In my region cereals seem to dominate any brassica offerings in both attraction and browse tolerance. My deer pound fall planted chicory late into the season. I have white clover, alfalfa, and either corn or beans in other locations so those are absent from the mix. I don't use a "premium" red since I will be tearing it out yearly to replant.
Bear Creek Late Season Blend#'s per Acre
Awnless Wheat25
Oats (Winter Hardy)25
Winter Peas50
Cereal Rye80
Red Clover (Medium Red)10
Bear Creek 365 Bucktober Blend#'s per Acre
Awnless Wheat80
Oats (Winter Hardy)60
Winter Peas25
Red Clover (Medium Red)10
Somehow got all my seed today! Thanks for the suggestions guys!