Mow clover one last time or leave be?

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So a quick summary of this plot. I has fall planted clover and rye into this plot last fall. Frost seeded ladino into it this March. Fought a little yellow rocket problem this spring, but the rye absolutely took off. I let it go through July and at the time of mowing it was about 5ft tall. Once mowed down, the clover just took off. However, I was surprisingly seeing a foxtail issue. So, I sprayed last week. The foxtail is starting to show signs of dying as of yesterday (a good thing obviously).

Which leads me to my main question. The clover is about 7" tall and very lush. Trail cam and observational evidence shows deer are hitting the clover. Should I knock down the clover one last time preceding a rain, or just let it go? I've never mowed this late into the summer usually due to dry temps, but we have a ton of moisture in the ground and rain in the forecast on Tuesday.

Here's a picture for reference. The bucket is about 6" tall.

This looks like my clover. I am going to mow mine. As you say there has been plenty of moisture and the clover is not stressed in any way. If you mow now the deer will flock to it, the grass issues will be solved and being a cool season crop you will really like how it looks in a month.
If it would be me I would let it seed out. By doing this you will be adding lots of seeds to your existing plot. I have been doing this on a clover/chicory plot for 7 years now. In early September I will take my cultipacker and roll the clover/chicory plot to insure that all the seeds get knocked off.
My clover plots are in Central Minnesota. In a Dry year I don't mow mine after August 1st. In a wet year don't mow after August 15th. However I will top off this week and mow just high enough to clip a few weeds but no clover. My experience in 15 years of clover and deer usage has taught me that if I mow lower tis time of year, I will lose forage. Every day from now until it is gone, green forage is at a premium and the deer use it more and more everyday. It's kind of cool how in a few weeks it will get shorter and shorter no matter how much rain or fertilizer I put on it.
mow it and it will grow I mow mine 10 times per year and it gets better every time I have it in my orchard
I would not mow it. but you could mow half and see for yourself if it works for you or not .
The clover will love the cooler days and nights of September and October so it will continue to grow especially in PA or it may get too tall and not be fresh for your hunting season
I have learned not to mow. The last two years I mowed and it never grew back as I hoped because it is also the time the deer start hammering it. I have small plots and have figured out they will be eaten to the ground no matter what so not mowing gives the deer the most tonnage. I guess it could depend on how big your plots are and how many deer you have.
From 15 years experience with clover in central Minnesota. You should not mow it after Sept 1st no matter what. In a normal year August 15 is my cut off. The deer usage will more than keep up with the growth and in not long it will actually start getting shorter from the deer. I tried saving it on year by not mowing it past July 4th. It lasted a whole week longer than it would if I had kept it mowed and it look terrible from the taller weeds. This was a 3 acre field! Tall mature clover just sits there and really is not growing much. No matter what on my land...The clover will be 1 inch tall come October 25th...That is unless the wolves come again.
I only have three years experience but I agree 100%. I have been crushed all year about how few deer I have over last year. My clover plots have barely been touched all year by the few deer around. I made a day trip up today planing on broadcasting rye and mowing the untouched clover. I had not been up in two weeks and when I went for a ride something just looked different. I pulled my cards and could not believe it. I had 3-5 new bucks move in, a doe with twins ( previously only pics of one fawn), and a couple other new does. Right now the clover is at its peak, about 10" high and lush. Hopefully more deer move in but I know with out mowing it, it will be dirt by November. Last year I made the mistake of mowing it about this time and it never recovered. I am guessing that the abundant browse is starting to become less attractive and they are finding the clover.
Clover usage for me starts as soon as the field is free from snow. They hammer it until green up and the browse appears. By June 1st to June 15th they barely tough it. Then about August 1st they start on it again and by Sept 1st they are at it until it is gone. Virtually all the clover I grow from June 1st to August 1st is untouched. In a dry year they use more of it, and a wet year like this one....hardly touch it for over 2 months.
I say similar in my clover plot this year. Heavy use in March and May, hardly touched it in June July & August. Hopefully they will start hitting it hard again in Sept.