Morning or afternoon?

In November it's been mornings into early afternoon. But that is going to change today as I lay prone in some wet grass watching over a secluded cut corn field as I type this.
Didn't change, nothing came out.
5 bucks came off our farm in Missouri so far this year. 4 evening, one morning.
For me it is about 30% morning and 70% late afternoon. Have never taken one midday.

For me, I would probably be more successful in the morning if I went out more often in the am. With my business, I have a certain amont of work that needs to be done and I am more motivated to do it in the am.
Have not read any of the responses, but it probably depends on the farm. All of ours are heavily timbered with about an 80/20 ratio of timber to open fields. It would take me a while to figure exact numbers, but I feel safe saying at least 7 out of every 10 mature bucks we have harvested have been harvested in the morning. That having been said the buck I shot this year was shot in the afternoon.

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