MN has 9% more deer than last year.

Indiana has NO idea how many deer they have :mad:!!!!
Neither does MN......
Isn't state Farm the same source the DNR used to say the population was rising a few years ago? Even when even the DNR's own look at dpsm was going down all across the state. I will say I think the population could be up 9% from last year but I do not trust the interests of the insurance companies.
Wi doesn't estimate till after the season. They just estimate density not population, as far as I am aware
Right on B and D. Leslie chose to use the State Farm data in her presentations at the time. Not the MN DPS data.
The state farm estimates are next to useless for deer management without more information. But if they could break it down by counties, rural areas, urban areas etc., it could be pretty darn good. Statistically they are probably pretty damn close on actual deer collisions, but what good is it for deer management if they chances are 1 in 50 in the twin cities area but the odds change to 1 in 150 outside of that area.

I have also heard of some jack pine savages that have a single vehicle accident after having too many beers and make a claim saying they hit a deer. Might not be statistically significant but I like some good anecdotal evidence.
As MO so eloquently puts it.......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I work for American Family and I called claims once to ask if they tracked deer hits. They said no. One thing I do know is that claims adjusters are really good at knowing what happened in an accident. If you hit a tree and try to call it a deer hit, 99 times out of 100 you are not going to get away with it.

6 years ago I would have 30-40 clients hit deer in a year. 2 and 3 years ago it was 2 hits. This year I think I am up to 4.