In talking with family members (who are hunters), it has been a few years since anyone harvested a deer during bow or firearms season. The younger guys (late 30s, early 40s) said they would love to hunt with a crossbow, as sometimes they get busted during the draw.
With the prospect of my wife inheriting some of farm land in northern Minnesota, I looked up the state regulations. While there are some management based practices, there are aspects of Minnesota's regulations that do not make much sense--including buck only zones. I was surprised how low the harvest rate (16%) was in Northern Minnesota. I see lots of deer and deer sign, however, I saw little evidence of private land owner management. Here in Missouri, you see evidence food plots, stands and habitats work when taking a Sunday drive.
I did scope out a couple of great trees for a bow (or crossbow) stand and some a great opening for a late season plot--plus there is already a tractor and some old implements on site.