Miscanthus-planting time and timing

MN Slick

5 year old buck +
2 questions.

1. For those that have done the dig a hole and drop in a rhizhome method approximately how long does it take to plant say 100 rhizomes?

2. My original plan for planting my rhizomes in Northern Missouri was during turkey season which is the week of April 20th, however this warmer weather has me wondering if it's safe to plant them weekend of March 20th? Looks like the weather will be warm at least until the 20th so frost should not be an issue. That said I'm sure there will be some additional cold nights after March 20th. Thoughts on whether it's safe to plant early?

I would not plant them until the soil temperature at 4" reaches 55-60 degrees. Remember, they are a warm season grass; if you plant them to early and you get lots of moisture, they may rot in the ground. Good luck
Thanks Oak, my research showed the same so I'm sticking to my original plan and putting them in the ground the week of April 20th.
When I planted mine I tilled it then planted by sticking the shovel in and moving it back and forth sticking the rhizome in and tamping it down with my foot. I planted 2 rows about 3' X 3" spacing so it didn't take all that long to plant They only have to be about 4" in the ground, the same day after planting I sprayed with gly. This pic is 5/6 so I think your 4/20 should be good. Good luck

Excellent, thanks Scott.