Bill.....I noticed you said to spray with 24db and not just there a reason for that? I assume 24d would work fine as well unless I am missing something?
Please do post some of those pics. I'm curious to see what a once and done does. I'd also like to see the contrast between the way you have done it and one single spraying in the spring on second or third year plants. Based on growing habits I would think there would be a huge differance in those that got a 3 - 4 week head start.
Way better than I would have predicted.
Planted my 200 rhizomes on the 22nd and 23rd of May. Came back and watered this Tuesday and had 15 shoots poking up through the soil. Finally had a couple of nice sunny days and Thursday ther were 42 poking through, including a few with more than a single shoot. Couldn't be any happier right now.
View attachment 13326
Planted my 200 rhizomes on the 22nd and 23rd of May. Came back and watered this Tuesday and had 15 shoots poking up through the soil. Finally had a couple of nice sunny days and Thursday ther were 42 poking through, including a few with more than a single shoot. Couldn't be any happier right now.
View attachment 13326
Looks like some may have been dug up by an animal.
I had rabbits dig some of mine up just after planting once. They didn't eat the rhizome it was just tossed to the side. I think they liked the loose dirt for digging a nest.
Only a couple dozen of my 200 haven't come up yet.
Checked it today and you can certainly tell the difference that competition makes. Sprayed gly a couple weeks before planting, then 2-4 D after they were up.
But in some sections grass came back with a vengeance. Most MG in those sections are about 1.5 feet tall. Where the grass isn't coming back yet the MG is 2.5 - 3 foot tall. Lots more multiple shoots there too. On a couple of them I counted 8 shoots!
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