MG Source?

Its a great thread

I have an order from maple river coming in may as a result of Bill's thread

Im going to give a small order a shot this year, so i second the above message
The MG rhizomes arrived on the porch from Maple River Friday. I was impressed by the size of some of them, almost root clusters.
I finally got a system worked out yesterday digging them in and the planting went pretty fast just using a shovel, watered them in good now I'll let them do their thing. Putting in 300 did a little over sixty yards, I'll see how it goes and probably put some more in next spring.
Thanks for the good advice everyone.
H2O, here are pics of what mine look like that I planted last year from Maple river. It is a 5 gallon bucket for size reference.

misc 2.jpgmisc 3.jpgmisc 4.jpgmisc1.jpgThey were just the rhizomes you ordered and looked as you described. As Bill has said by year three they will be a screen. I think mine will be this year as I planted them 20 to 24 inches apart, staggered from another row 30 inches away. I am very pleased at their growth already. I didn't expect them to be so wide already.
Yours look like they are really coming in good willy.

I think I might have planted to thick then...I pretty much almost have them touching end to end in one long row planted 3"-4" deep. I thought if I liked the results I could extend the row on down and ad a second row.