Major face palm last night.

65 bucks fixed. I'm not kidding.

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I leave the neighbor dogs treats if they come over after talks with the owners.

Sometimes they get the runs after treats.
I had an inspector tell me he mixed a handful of lawn fertilizer with a pound of hamburger after the neighbor assured him it wasn't his dog defecating in his yard. I can't remember if it was 20-10-10 or 0-10-20 or what. But he did say there were two Coit Furniture cleaning trucks in the neighbors driveway the following day. Explosive was the word he used to describe the results.
65 bucks fixed. I'm not kidding.

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That had to be a relief considering what it could of been.
65 bucks fixed. I'm not kidding.

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Your blessed.

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Is there a new ounce of prevention?
We are very lucky. Very.

As of now using the shock collar and get her yard trained to a t so when she does get out she will stay. I'm going to get some flags next week for a visual

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Crazy story about the electronic yard barriers. My dad had a pair of labs given to him when they were around a year old, a male and a female(fixed). Got them out to his place, opened the car door and .... gone! After hollering and b!t*hing at them for an hour or so, they came strolling back into the yard like nothing happened. Took them inside, only to let them out later and ... gone! The second time he yelled for about 5 minutes, then jumped in the car and headed to town. When he returned, the dogs were sitting on the porch. First thing he does is put the batteries in the collars and get them on the dogs. We proceed to bury the wire(this was back when the wireless setups were like $800), flag the perimeter, and plug in the power. Those dogs never left the yard again! Many years later, the male became a victim of the bad Chinese dog food fiasco. About 2 years after he passed, the female went blind from diabetes(but was otherwise healthy), so my dad did not put her down. Even blind, she knew exactly where to stop before the wire triggered the collar, and the wire hadn't even been "hot" since a year before the male died! Neither of them had a clue it was off, but they never tested the fence after the first couple days! Stayed waaaayyyyy back from the flags from then on, even long after the flags were removed.;):)
Great news BJE. Glad it worked out at a lower cost.

Last year my 85 year old father inlaw was helping load firewood in my new Tacoma. He threw a chunk off the side and put the first dent in it. ( The second time he's done that to me on new trucks ) All I could say was "don't worry about it Merv. But don't do it again or you're going to have to deal with your daughter. Not me. "
He was a little more careful after that. I hope I'm moving firewood when I'm 85.
BTW, I only like the part about "throwing firewood when I'm 85",;):D the rest would be a drag.:(:mad:
Makes you feel bad for the pooch, but that's funny right there. Moral of that the directions lest you end up with a "hot dog"!