Major face palm last night.



We have been having trouble getting our 5 year old son to close the door behind him when he walks through the door. Because of this, our dog (highly energetic Lab) has gotten out multiple times and has been running around the neighborhood unsupervised because nobody knew she was outside. She knows her yard pretty well and respects it when we are out there but doesn’t always do so well when unsupervised especially when there are people she sees and wants attention. The dog is harmless per say and looking back I should of been more proactive in making sure she stays in the yard even when not supervised.

To date, its been no real problem other than bothering the neighbors a little bit and really this hasn’t caused any problem. Although we have been telling our son he needs to close that door over and over.

Well last night that all changed. The dog got out and nobody knew it. Turns out the neighbor was backing out of his driveway in his almost new GMC Denali SUV. She ran over to get some attention from him and jumped up on his SUV and this happened.



Can’t say I blame him for being pissed. And he (was) is.

Sucks when you don’t even know the dog is outside.
Insurance claim for a new paint job?
Insurance claim for a new paint job?

If it gets above my home insurance deductible it will be.

I know nothing about body work. Someone told me they should be able to buff it out. If it has to be re-painted I would think we are talking $500+?
Invisible fencing sounds cheap now, I bet.
As McL and nofo suggest, an invisible fence is a thing of great beauty. We got one about 4 years back now...The dogs NEVER leave the yard, period. We've gone 2-6 months several times with dead batteries in their collars &/or not even bothering to have them on the dogs, and they just don't leave, period. Once they "get it," you can go long stretches without them testing their boundaries...and when they start, just slap new batteries in the collar again for a couple weeks and you're good for months again.

P.S. we live in town and have people walking by with the dogs out all the time, often walking their own dogs. I can't tell you how many times the dogs have gone racing across the yard, barking up a storm at another dog that is barking right back at them, only to freeze when they get to the fence, whether they are wearing an active collar or not. Ours works outstandingly well.

P.S.S. Sorry about the damage, but I was SURE the story was going to end with a dead dog.
I have the petsafe. Love it. Works like a champ!

Nothing to put underground. All controlled wirelessly from the station in the house.
:( Bad!
Kudos too to the invisible fence. My brother has had it for multiple dogs and it's been flawless. My sister on the other hand had a 110# male chocolate lab that would trot right thru it to go two doors down to play with the girl labs. He would not however, walk back thru it to come home. :)
5 year old children are notorious for leaving doors open, faucets running, lights on, etc. You have to decide if you want to put a shock collar on the dog or the kid. I wish I had employed the shock collar training with my kids because they're 19, 17, and 13 and still doing all of the above. After one day with the collar my lab would stop on a dime 200 yards out with one whistle.

Seriously, though, it's your job to control your dog, not your 5 year old. I love dogs but I'm amazed by how many people think that everybody loves their dog as much as they do. Friendly dog or not, most people don't want scratches on their cars or mud on their clothes. Some people are scared of all dogs and can't recognize a friendly dog. Being a good neighbor means fencing the yard in some fashion and it will quite possibly save the dog from getting into any number of life threatening situations.
5 year old children are notorious for leaving doors open, faucets running, lights on, etc. You have to decide if you want to put a shock collar on the dog or the kid. I wish I had employed the shock collar training with my kids because they're 19, 17, and 13 and still doing all of the above. After one day with the collar my lab would stop on a dime 200 yards out with one whistle.

Seriously, though, it's your job to control your dog, not your 5 year old. I love dogs but I'm amazed by how many people think that everybody loves their dog as much as they do. Friendly dog or not, most people don't want scratches on their cars or mud on their clothes. Some people are scared of all dogs and can't recognize a friendly dog. Being a good neighbor means fencing the yard in some fashion and it will quite possibly save the dog from getting into any number of life threatening situations.

I do take full responsibility of the situation. At the end of the day I am responsible for both of them; kids and dogs. I feel terrible about it and it is a shame that this had to happen before I took it serious.
With any luck, those scratches will buff out. Cost a bit to have done, but a hell of a lot cheaper than a new paint job.

I agree with this, that should buff out and not be terribly expensive
I do take full responsibility of the situation. At the end of the day I am responsible for both of them; kids and dogs. I feel terrible about it and it is a shame that this had to happen before I took it serious.

At the same time I wouldn't be all that mad if I was your neighbor. I'm sure you told him you'd take care of it. It's just a car.
At the same time I wouldn't be all that mad if I was your neighbor. I'm sure you told him you'd take care of it. It's just a car.

Picture this guy:

65 Years old. Affluent. Retired. Anal. Nothing to do. Everything is top notch and neat and clean. He was backing out to drive to go play bingo.

You know the guy.
That really sucks. New paint job won't be cheap. $2-3k. Buff it out under 750. The fence didn't work for a buddy of mine. The dog got smart after a week and learned that if he ran real fast he'd only get the warning and the quick sap and it was over with.
I think a lot of people these days are getting something like this:

No wires, once the dog gets so far from the transmitter there is a shock and it keeps shocking (for up to 30 seconds) until they come back into range. Remember to turn it off when driving somewhere with the car or the dog won't want to get in with you going anywhere!
Got to be careful with dogs that's for sure. I work for big Brown and a couple of drivers have been mauled by dogs. They won some big settlements ($30,000-40,000). Most of that is paid out by the defendants as most insurance will only pay about $3500.00-5000.00.
I leave the neighbor dogs treats if they come over after talks with the owners.

Sometimes they get the runs after treats.