Looking for someone to clear a 2 acre food plot in Western Wi. Know of anyone?


5 year old buck +
Hello. I'm looking for someone to clear out about a 2 acre food plot near Webster in Western Wisconsin. I've contacted a forester and put out a cl ad. So far I haven't found anyone to clear it. Thought i'd check with you all and see if you know of anyone? Much of this 2 acres is mature white pines so I'm hoping that will offset at least some of the cost. I would like the stumps removed too.

That's a big job. How much u willing to spend?
I'm willing to spend as little as it takes to get the job done :). i had a similar area cleared last year so I know it's not cheap. My hope is that I can find a logger that can use the pines which hopefully will bring the cost down.

I spoke w/ one guy that would take all the wood but leave the stumps for no cost. it's such a small job that i'm not sure i'd really get any money for the timber. going to walk the property w/ a forester in the next few weeks to get his thoughts anyway.
Good luck with such a small acreage. Do you have any Amish in your area, they maybe your best bet.
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