Food plot conversion to switchgrass


5 year old buck +
I have almost a 2 acre food plot that isn't working in the current location, so I'm going to convert it to switchgrass bedding area.

My question is, about 2/3 of an acre is standing corn and I don't know how best to get the seed in the ground. I could rent the county's no till drill but don't want to necessarily do that given I will be easily frost seeding the other 1 1/3 acre area.

I thought about brush hogging the corn before winter truly sets in and hoping some of the trash blows off the area, but I don’t know how well that would work. Can't really burn in the location of the corn either as it is flanked by NWSG that I don't have fire breaks prepped for and it is adjacent to my timber lot.

May have to brush hog and till it under and deal with the weeds with a pre-emergent?

Any ideas?
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Bush hog it now. Let mother nature blow the debris away and you'll have plenty of dirt exposed for switchgrass frost seeding.
Brush hog it then broadcast seed it when snow is on the ground so you monitor seeding rate. Have done this on 12 acres.
Agree with the above. Don't till. Just mow and frost seed.