Logging off mature Aspen


5 year old buck +
Was looking for some input from you guys. I was approved for a EQIP contract for next winter. The contract is a little more involved because it is designed to help the endangered gold wing warbler and has a forester assigned to the project. Basically a clear cutting on our property. We will be receiving federal $$ for the project plus I can sell the wood. I spoke with the Sappi paper mill rep about a sale today. He gave me a rough estimate of $20-25 a cord for pulpwood. We will meet on the property In the next week or two. I'm doing about 20 acres. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
I think you should take point in our area and ask for 20% off the top for lining up more similar warbler sexing areas. Give you 25% if you get one in my woods. I dont even know or care what warblers look like but I love 10 acre aspen clear cuts for deer.

Serious offer.

What county ??
I passed the name of a logger in the Hilman area to Brooks. Please let me know if you are interested.
So how long do you have to let the forester nose around the place? DNR/USFW get to poke around as well? Not that anyone would have anything to hide, it's just that I don't know if I could trust them to not nose around the whole place looking for signs of more bird brothel locations, particularly in your sanctuary.
Goldwing Warbler Is a bird on the verge of being instinct is what I'm told. Never seen one before. You get rated higher when the program goes to the approval process when something like this is added into your EQIP plan. I was approached by the American bird conservancy through the NRCS for this. It might pay a little higher per acre too. I'm after the clear cuts for deer so I guess it works for parties. I'm in Mille lacs county so by the time mine and Batman's clearings are done it will be one big warbler gentleman's club for these birds and hopefully will hold piles of deer. The logger is to be determined. They mentioned Great Northern out of Pierz, MN. I also have a local guy in Town I can use too. No DNR will be involved. Just the American Bird Conservancy doing a follow up visit in a few years which most likely will not happen.
How big is the Aspen? Do you have any sawbolts in there? How many sticks on average are the poplar? 25 a cord seems on the lower end of reasonable. How is the logger going to be cutting it?? Does he have a processor and a forwarder? If you need a road built now is the time to think about it and also if you want a food plot clearing or a watering hole. They will have the equipment in there to do it then so plan out exactly what you want and ask them to help the warbler but more importantly help you and your goals.
Sappi was supposedly paying 110/cord at their rail transfer station in pillager and would unload 5 cords or more for you. They wanted 100 cord contracts - only bring them 99 and you don't get paid.

It's been a "plan B" of mine for cash flow, but it would really only pay for the added equipment I'd need to haul the wood.
Anything come of your meeting Joe? I tried getting in touch with Patrick again yesterday and haven't gotten a call back.

It looks like I'll be cutting my aspen this summer if I can get a contract with them to take it at the transfer yard. With the tractor, I only need a trailer capable of hauling 5 cords to make it happen, but I have a line on a C65 that'll put me at 10 per load or a little better with the trailer. I won't make a killing, but it'll pay for my time and gear.

Sappi was paying top dollar for aspen at the timber auctions in November. So much so, they shut out some other loggers and those guys started whining about it.

$35/cord on your landing was the last price I heard from my buddy in the area. I'm not sure what they're paying at the yard.
Anything come of your meeting Joe? I tried getting in touch with Patrick again yesterday and haven't gotten a call back.

It looks like I'll be cutting my aspen this summer if I can get a contract with them to take it at the transfer yard. With the tractor, I only need a trailer capable of hauling 5 cords to make it happen, but I have a line on a C65 that'll put me at 10 per load or a little better with the trailer. I won't make a killing, but it'll pay for my time and gear.

Sappi was paying top dollar for aspen at the timber auctions in November. So much so, they shut out some other loggers and those guys started whining about it.

$35/cord on your landing was the last price I heard from my buddy in the area. I'm not sure what they're paying at the yard.
I had a meeting with a Sappi rep. A while back. He told me $25 for pure pulp and pulp with a slight mix to it. Everything else would be $20. He claims prices are a little lower because of my location and distance from the mill. I'm waiting for the bird conservatory to mark the trees and boundaries so I can have a few more people come and take a look.
I spoke with a logger recently and he is paying $15 a cord for clear cut.
I spoke with a logger recently and he is paying $15 a cord for clear cut.

What is the estimate on cords per acre?
He said for our area figure 15 cords per acre.
Update: just spoke with another forester in my area. He was a little hard to read at first, but after talking with him for a while I learned a lot. He wants to help manage my sale because I'm close by his place. He's thinking he can get me $30 per cord for pulp instead of $25 for a sale this winter.
$30 for stumpage sounds a lot closer to what I was seeing from the fall auctions.

I'm looking at delivering it to their transfer yard on the other side of Brainerd, so my prices will be a bit better. I'll be doing all the work.
Got a hold of Sappi's rep and it turns out he's a not-so-distant neighbor of mine. :)

We had a nice chat and he's going to talk to his boss and see what's best for my plans. There's a mill in Deerwood that's buying and might be a better fit for what I want to pull out of my place. I expect to hear from him next week to hash out the details.