Live oak acorns


5 year old buck +
need advice about this

collected 200 9/28 placed in long leave spangnum moss(moist)

on 10/1 ~130 have radicles

I direct seeded 60 on 10/2

Is it feasible to store the other 70 with radicles in the fridge over winter and start in RM18s in spring?


A lot of the acorns I save over the winter will have a 2-3" or more root started when I start them in the spring. I can't say that I've ever had any start now but I usually put them in the fridge and check them a couple times over the winter so I don't know when they start to sprout. Mine usually turn out good, I'd say go for it.
They're a white oak. White oak acorns sprout soon after falling from the tree. I've had luck putting them in peat moss and putting them in the fridge over winter. I've read peat moss will slow the growth of plants but have never tested it against another media. In the spring you may have roots six inches long but I have cut them or straightened them out with success. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in on the subject as well.

thank you,sparky
