Late season success

Paint that snow red. Good job.
I finally got my buck back from last year. I'm real happy with the job the taxidermist did on him. He also aged him for me. I knew he wasn't an old deer but I was really surprised when he told me the buck was only 2.5.
I'm still happy with him but you have to wonder what he would have been with a couple more years.
Interesting pose, I like it!
Looks like a quality mount. What's the back of it look like?
What made him say he was only 2.5? Looks like he was older from the pics.
The back of it is a dark brown felt.

The taxi aged his jaw/teeth so it's fairly accurate I would assume.
Never thought of that... Maybe he was a pampered 3.5 year old cake eater. I was guessing him at 3.5 too.
Love the mount red! Taxi did a great job on it. I've never seen one mounted like that before. I may have to steal it for the next big one I get.
I like that mount, also.

Does it fit closer to the wall if you have a tight space?

What did the deer weigh? I struggle with the idea of him being a 2.5 year old, unless he had corn/pellets all of his life.
Of course, I know nothing about metro deer!
Nice buck. But it really seems unlikely that buck only 2.5 years old. If you send in a tooth for cementum annuli aging you'll get a more accurate age than your taxidermist's guesstimate based on tooth wear. I'm guessing that buck is a solid 3.5 or 4.5.
I love that mount. But I'd have to say he's older than 2.5.
I could see 2.5. Think of all the happy home owners with all their nice fertilized gardens, bushes, and lawns. No real stress from predators. Food all winter long. He stays in great shape to grow big antlers.
I do a rock texture in the back. Looks better than felt-imo.

Looks like there's some spider webs back there.
I cut my capes plenty long when skinning that way if a customer chooses a wall pedistel I can just take the extra hide to wrap around and finish the back if they dont want to "upgrade" to some other kind of finshed back.

Nice looking deer and mount.
I would say this mount takes up more room than a typical shoulder mount. But, I don't have many so I need them to look bigger :)

The taxidermist is out of St. Joseph, MN if anyone in the area is looking for a recommendation. He does take a long time but does nice work so I'll make that trade.

As far as diet, deer in that area probably have a pretty good diet in summer but struggle in winter. No crops, browse is less than more rural areas. I usually loose all deer on this property for about 3 months in winter. They yard up somewhere else every year then trickle back in spring. I put in a food plot on the limited space available but it's not enough to make a dent.
Really nice mount!!

I'd believe 2.5, once in awhile MN will produce stud 2.5 year olds. Friend had one pushing 140-verified by tooth!
I'm with Bdub, 2.5 isn't a stretch when you look at the pedicles and mass. Most bucks won't ever hit 150, some of them hit 250, this is what 4 year old Booners look like at 2.5.
I really contemplated a pedestal mount on my last one, but wall space wouldn't allow it. I need to get to work on my basement, but it just never seems to be a priority. I said I needed more wall space. My wife claimed I needed smaller and fewer deer. My wife claimed I couldn't get them all on the wall. She was WRONG!
And yes I am that stubborn!!!

Nice buck Red - I would guess your buck to be at least 3.5 as well.
J bird I hope u stopped on those plaques and the middle deer is your most recent?
J bird I hope u stopped on those plaques and the middle deer is your most recent?
The middle deer is the most recent of the 3 (left is 2011, middle in 2013, right is 2008) - I took a buck last year that went 130 and he didn't get a shoulder mount - his skull plate is out on the barn. I tried to put the middle one on a plaque (before I tried to hang it on the wall) and it wouldn't fit! The shoulders of that buck are that much bigger than the other 2 it simply would not fit properly on the same size plaque. I knew he was bigger body wise than the others I had taken but didn't expect that.

Why the comment of "I hope you stopped on those plaques"? I like the plaques. Is there a reason why I shouldn't use the plaques?