Last fall's winter rye plot

image.jpg Knocked it down today with my drag teeth up. I think with some rain the clover and chicory will poke thru in no time.
That looks awesome Peeps! Nice work! Now all you need is some steady rains.
Get a nice timely rain and your all set to go. Looks really good.
Looking good!
And the rain has arrived :)
Great timing and the weather worked with you.
Ended up with an inch of rain today.
image.jpg Made it back up to the land and wanted to post an update. The clover and chicory are popping up thru the knocked over WR. I would say it's looking pretty good.
Very nice!
That sure does look nice. I flipped our harrow upside down and pulled it across our trails and it really took the crap down. I was blown away how good it looked when I was done. I love seeing a plot that you dont have to till!
