Land auction

Well got an internet provider looking into internet service at new property if they can get me decent service out there then Oh Boy idk. Our current home is 2 miles from town with two homes on the place and 35 acres. I’m very seriously now considering subdivision of current place into two vacant lots and the two more lots with the two homes so a total of four 8.75acre lots very likely could get close to 500k for them all. If I sold the two lots first used that cash to build a 40x60 shop to store my man cave stuff then sold vacant home build new home with its proceeds then finally sell home we live in and move to new property. Lots of moving parts I know but they built three new houses just south of me and one across the road since I moved in 20 years ago it’s getting a bit crowded for my taste anyway. When I bought my place I was the only house in that 1/2 mile road section.
Maybe it's just me, but no way I'd move close to an interstate highway.
Maybe it's just me, but no way I'd move close to an interstate highway.
This property is high on the highway side and drops off drastically down to the creek. Down below that hill you really can’t hardly hear the highway at all. I’m not 100% moving anywhere yet for country living we have very good internet as it is and the local phone company just ran fiber down my road don’t have it to the house yet but by fall I’m sure we will. I’ve got a local internet service provider that I like and have used looking into the new property their system requires line of sight to their tower if I have to erect a 60’ tower to get decent internet we will be staying where we are at least until starlink or some other satellite internet systems actually work well enough. It’s 7 miles to the new place so not much of a commute to get there and fart around. I absolutely hear your living next to an highway concerns this a 150 acre place so I could build nearly 1/2 mile from the highway and in a bit of a low spot so the noise may not be an issue. I only have a handful of hours on the place total I’ll know better after closing.
There is a little makeshift wood bridge in the driveway to the new place going over a seasonal creek bed I scored some 18” concrete culverts to replace it today.
very nice,for sure more heavy duty than steel and probably cheaper,I have a 20 ft 18 inch that I ended up not using so trying to sell for what I paid since it's new and it was 745.00 when probably 500.00 2 years ago.Show us a pic of your crossing when done
Don’t close until July 12th and I’m not entirely sure when I’ll have the CAT 951 moved between farms. I’ve got several other projects on the other farm for it before I have it moved to the new place. It depends on just how bad that north property line fence is. If it’s really bad I may move the machine earlier than I originally planned because that issue will need remedied quickly. Last fall/winter I was pushing out small tree pockets I have growing in a 60 acre native grass field I still have a couple more of them to clean up and at least 1/4 mile of fence to push out for new fencing going in. Never ending battle with fencing it seems like and the inflated prices aren’t helping that situation any.
Well found out today Starlink internet service is available at the new place. I hope I’ve got it in me to build one more new house this one should be the last one for me.
Never say last…or never.
Well found out today Starlink internet service is available at the new place. I hope I’ve got it in me to build one more new house this one should be the last one for me.

Must be nice, I am still on the wait list since last summer.
Must be nice, I am still on the wait list since last summer.
My buddy also still waiting he needs it bad at his place his current service is crap he was a little irritated when I found out I could get it immediately at the new place since he signed up a year or more ago
My buddy also still waiting he needs it bad at his place his current service is crap he was a little irritated when I found out I could get it immediately at the new place since he signed up a year or more ago

I work from home on line, and my wife just started to work at home as well. We have been getting by with ATT hotspot, but the bandwidth sucks in the busy summer months. I am in cabin country, trees, lakes, and deer shacks. Weekend and summers in general it slows down a lot.
We close on this farm today pretty excited lots and lots of improvements to fool with. I picked up 22 rolls of Bekaert Herdsmen Pro 40 wire for this place and need to get down to my steel supplier and pick up at least two pallets of T-posts. Trying to figure out where my tree plantings will go on this place should be fun. Pretty sure I’ve got a good spot figured for a annual food plot be around 2 acres. I’m a little hesitant to plant trees there until I know if it floods in the spring in that area along the creek bottom. South side of the creek is much higher ground then it drops very steeply to the creek bottom 30-50 feet drop depending on where you are. The north side of the creek slopes gradually away from the creek bottom.


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