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Ladino Clover, Jumbo and Jumbo II, Whats the difference?



After asking a couple of my wholesale suppliers why we are not offering the Jumbo Ladino clovers, They tell me there is no difference other than the name and it comes Treated. And I can not find anything on the net to disprove them. Whip, Stu or anyone, got any info that shows the difference, other than from a seed seller.

And remember, we went from selling Ladino Clover for years, then last year it showed up as Orion XL Ladino Clover. Only difference, is the name!
That Orion XL I got from you was the best clover ever ;)

I know that there are indeed differences among some varieties of white clovers. Whether Jumbo is one of them or not, I do not know.

Now that's funny Sh*t right there! LOL
I will take a stab at this from what I remember off the top of my head, as I cannot seem to locate the document where I first saw this information, forgive me, as it has been a few years since I last looked at it.

White clovers come in 3 "sizes". This is primarily a description of overall plant height and leaf size.

Small - clovers such as Dutch white clover falls in this category along with other lower growing white clovers.

Intermediate - Durana clover is an improved selection that falls in the intermediate category. For those that think Durana was completely "bred", it was not, it is simply a very drought tolerant native ecotype that was collected from natural pasture settings in GA that had survived many years of heavy grazing and drought. Only then was it put in a "greenhouse setting" and the parent plants were crossed with some virus resistant large(ladino) types and the result was Patriot white clover.

Patriot falls somewhere in between Intermediate and Large(Ladino), as it is a cross breed. Crusade falls into the Intermediate category as well, and it is also a cross breed(between Haifa white clover and some disease resistant ecotypes). Some of the "New Zealand" white clovers fall in here as well.

Large(Ladino) - Naturalized, large leaved, tall stemmed white clovers. "Ladino" is pretty much a generic name for this growth type, see VNS Ladino. Jumbo Ladino is a selection of native Ladino types that was chosen for it's larger leaf size and taller growth habit than even the native Ladino types, but don't get too excited, we are talking maybe 10%-15% larger leaves. It also has some resistance to common clover diseases. Jumbo II Ladino is a selection of Jumbo Ladino plants that was chosen for it's higher stolon density and ability to spread more readily than regular Jumbo Ladino, again, don't get too excited as the stolon density is really only 10% to 20% higher than standard Jumbo Ladino.

Alice white clover falls into this category(Large) and may be the "height king" of them all. Leaf size is as large as the other types and the stems are typically taller than any of the ones labeled as "Ladino".

I believe Kopu(and Kopu II) falls somewhere in here as well.

Kura clover is it's own animal and even though it's flowers are mostly white, it is not a true "white" clover. I can last just about forever as it is very hardy and persistent. Total PIA to get established though.

There are a lot of "trade names" like the "Orion XL" above. They may be just that, a company "trade name" marketing ploy, or they may have been selected from trials for a specific trait. One would have to research each type in depth to distinguish that fact. True agricultural field trials, however boring to read, will give you the true worth of these "named" varieties. If they are really better than their predecessors, it will show up in ultimate yields over multiple year studies. What does any of that yield information mean to the average foodplotter, not much...............but it might save a guy some money when looking at more expensive options of clover depending on what your ultimate use will be.

If I ever hunt down the document where I found the info on the "differences" in the Ladino types, I will post it in this thread for future reference.

You really want to be confusedo_O:confused:............lets talk alfalfa!!!:eek:
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My Lacrosse guys says Ladino is Ladino. Ladino has the potential to grow up to 3" leaves. So no difference from him.
My Lacrosse guys says Ladino is Ladino. Ladino has the potential to grow up to 3" leaves. So no difference from him.
MoBuckchaser...I'm looking to get in touch with you about some seed. I sent a message to you but I'm new here and don't know if I sent it correctly or not.
MoBuckchaser...I'm looking to get in touch with you about some seed. I sent a message to you but I'm new here and don't know if I sent it correctly or not.

I only ship full bags now. Any combination over 1000lbs is free shipping!
I only ship full bags now. Any combination over 1000lbs is free shipping!
Ok.. whats the best way to get prices from you then?
Well, I'm no seed dealer so who knows. I do find it a bit surprising that many universities spend a lot of time and money on researching various ladino performances if it's all the same. My guess is the Lacrosse guy is saying that whatever ladino they carry is "good enough" for the area it's being sold and planted in. I doubt a WI based company is selling Osceola ladino, but what do I know.

That is what I am looking for, some university data! Showing the difference between the different Ladino's. I have not been able to find any.
Ok.. whats the best way to get prices from you then?

I don't post prices because they can change to fast in this business. If you need Ladino, its at $3.25lb right now. If you need something else send me a pm.
And the other reason I don't post prices is there is no money in selling food plot seed anyways.

Thanks Stu, I will look through all that. But I have looked at most of it already. I am looking for something from a independent source that tells me where Jumbo II and Jumbo come from and how it is different than a "regular" Ladino. Nothing I have found tells me that.....Yet!
This one shows Jumbo and Jumbo II in comparison to other white clovers
I imagine you've already seen this too

Not sure where Jumbo and Jumbo II come from, other than Ampac

I have seen both of those. Tells me nothing other than a name. I will keep looking. I want to see where jumbo comes from if its out there. Must be some enhance seed from somewhere. Maybe not.
Well, that's the end of my "usefulness" :D

If Jumbo is actually a legit Clover, the info has to be out there somewhere! If it is just a name Like Orion XL, then guys are getting screwed buying anything named Jumbo! But that would not surprise me in this business!
Which of the above named types is the most drought, heat tolerant ?

Which of the above named types is the most drought, heat tolerant ?


Ladino's are normally drought tolerant, compared to a white dutch. Med Red is drought tolerant as well. At these are in my area.
Interesting MO ^^^, I have always been under the impression that alsike was a low pH, "wet" ground clover? I was not really aware it was drought tolerant. With our low pH, sandy soil, now I wish I would have tried some on the old sand pit before we sold it, maybe it would have been better than the others we tried, none of which worked very well.
Interesting MO ^^^, I have always been under the impression that alsike was a low pH, "wet" ground clover? I was not really aware it was drought tolerant. With our low pH, sandy soil, now I wish I would have tried some on the old sand pit before we sold it, maybe it would have been better than the others we tried, none of which worked very well.

Alsike in our area is a weed notil farmers can not get rid of. Very drought tolerant here and you can't kill it with herbicide.
Alsike survived and grew on the old place in Juneau County. It didn't produce squat for amount of forage however. Red clover did much better

Yep, thats alsike.