Kioti tractors

I am still waiting to read the new owner review. Hint, hint. ;)
It's being delivered tomorrow at 2 PM. I've got the video cam ready to go. I'm going to try do a video review. I may not have time to do this tomorrow as we have to do all the paper work and warranty stuff. Don't worry it we be posted. I may not get a lot of seat time on it but my plan is to go over some of the features I like or don't. I may even have to change my avatar. The wife say's the Harley one doesn't cut it on this site. What do you guys think on that thought.
It's being delivered tomorrow at 2 PM. I've got the video cam ready to go. I'm going to try do a video review. I may not have time to do this tomorrow as we have to do all the paper work and warranty stuff. Don't worry it we be posted. I may not get a lot of seat time on it but my plan is to go over some of the features I like or don't. I may even have to change my avatar. The wife say's the Harley one doesn't cut it on this site. What do you guys think on that thought.
I trust your wife's judgement. ;) Change is needed.
Here are few pictures of my tractor. I did a short video review, not sure how it will turn out. I will post it once I get it uploaded. Some of the features I like are, you can get on or off from either side, it has a quick attach loader & bucket. The 3 pt hitch has arms that go in and out for hookup's and you can raise/lower the arms from the rear of the tractor. The tractor has a cruise control as standard eq. and a suspension seat. It also has an auto mode for the PTO, if in auto it will turn off when you raise the 3td hitch. The video say's 20 minutes yet to upload and I have to leave for work soon so I may have to post it in the AM.

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Here's the video.

Nice Review Tooln. Looks like a great tractor for your needs. Happy for you! :)
I have a 2004 DK45 set up for forestry operations by Payeur out of Canada. I bought it used last year with 500 Hrs. on it. So far, I am very impressed with it. Seems very rugged, dependable and sips the fuel. With four sets of studded chains on it, I can go just about anywhere.
I have a 2004 DK45 set up for forestry operations by Payeur out of Canada. I bought it used last year with 500 Hrs. on it. So far, I am very impressed with it. Seems very rugged, dependable and sips the fuel. With four sets of studded chains on it, I can go just about anywhere.
Glad to hear it's been good to you. Tomorrow will be the first time for me to get some use from it.
Should be awesome weather for it.
Nice looking tractor tooln. Thats a great idea to be able to extend the 3 point hitch, very handy.

Always like the sound of a diesel tractor. Enjoy!
Question for you or Maybe Foggy.

How much counter weight do they recommend you put on your 3point when using your loader. I'm looking at maybe buying a balast box for my tractor if I need one. I have about 800 lbs of fluid in my tires so maybe not necessary. Did they give you a way to determine how much balast you should have depending on the loads you will be lifting?
Question for you or Maybe Foggy.

How much counter weight do they recommend you put on your 3point when using your loader. I'm looking at maybe buying a balast box for my tractor if I need one. I have about 800 lbs of fluid in my tires so maybe not necessary. Did they give you a way to determine how much balast you should have depending on the loads you will be lifting?

Today's compact tractors and their powerful hydraulics and loaders REQUIRE lots of ballast on the rear. Liquid ballast or wheel weights are NOT ENOUGH. Even a heavy implement on the back in addition to the ballast may be problematic. Beware.

For example: I own a 3320 with 300 CX Loader. (very similar to Freeborns rig) I have my rears filled with 800# of Rimguard and use a 300# box blade with another 800 lbs of suitcase weights hanging on the box blade. STILL....with a heavy load, my rears can become airborne. All that weight is then on the front axel and the tractor has just become quite easy to roll-over......not to mention all that force on the front driveline. BEWARE!

In short, you MUST have a heavy weight hanging on the 3 point when doing heavy loader work.....AND ballast in those rear tires.

I really should buy a ballast box too.....and fill it with concrete. Some very good designs have been shown at TBN where guys put some casters on their Ballast Box prior to filling with later they can roll it around. Also embed plastic pipes in the concrete so you have some tool holders. Check it out.
Sounds like Foggy has given some good advice. I have my rears loaded aprox. 950 lbs. But haven't had any real use with the loader yet. Any rental I've ever had has always had the rear very light but this was not using any ballast on the back. One time I did have a blade on the back and noticed no issues and I ran it HARD as it was a rental. I plan on having a box blade on mine when I start doing loader work. I my add suitcase weights to it as an added precaution. Either way weight is always your friend on a tractor unless you get stuck or are towing it.
Had some tractor time today.
Things I like.
Cruise control, entry or exit from either side, suspension seat (really liked this).

Things I didn't like.
Lack of arm rest on seat & cheap plastic tool box.
Not a bad price. But knock another hundred off for the one front tire that is mounted backwards.
Believe it or not some guys mount them backwards so they have traction to back out of a bad spot once in a while. Its done on combines quite often.
Both front tires should be mounted backwards then. I'm pretty sure only one is backwards in those photos.
I thought maybe it was that way if you didn't know if you were coming or going. :D Reguardless not a bad price.
If you do not know how to use a front end loader to push yourself out, maybe all tires should be mounted backwards.
What are they asking and how many hours does it have. I have just shy of 100 hours on mine with no issues. It's also very easy on fuel. Definitely add fluid. I haven't had to use the block heater yet but it's still nice to have. Who are you dealing with?