Tractor implement help


5 year old buck +
My buddy just recently bought a new 35 HP Kioti tractor with 4WD. His main use is for food plots . Does anyone have any recommendations on a used no till drill that would work with his tractor ? Something used for 4-5k range that is solid and not junk. Do they make smaller good no till drills for his size tractor ? He has about 13 acres he does in plots. Any help would be great .
The only one I can think of that would fall in that price range is the Tar Rivers. The only 35 HP kiotis I see on their website have a 3pt lift capacity (24" behind pins) of 1600# which in theory could work with the SAYA 505 if you don't have to weight it down a bunch to get it to penetrate the ground reliably. What is the soil like where he'd use it? If it's high CEC clay, an unweighted saya may really struggle.

I know the 3' pull type esch drill i have would work fine and a genesis 3 probably or genesis 5 with hydraulics would probably work with that tractor but most will be over double the price you're talking.
Thx for reply. Low CEC on 6 acre field at his house of 6.7 but he just bought 70 acres and headed up there now to soil test and drop off my cultipacker. Of the 70 acres, he has three 2 acre fields there. I’ll get tests back in prob 5-6 days. I use WTI.
I still use my old Kasco versa drill,it is 4ft which seems small with the tractor I have now but I used it with my 35 HP Mahindra.You can find them used.They are a min till drill
To reinforce what Wind Gypsy wrote, I used the Tar River Saya 505 with a John Deere 3025E, which had a lift capacity of 1326 pounds. The lift capacity is more critical than horsepower with a no till drill. I don’t see used drills under $5k that would work with that tractor, so new tar river is likely the entry point.
You didn’t mention if the tractor has a loader, if so, he will need to fill the bucket up with ballast such a sand or dirt. If he does not, he would need to have significant front weights.