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Kentucky coffeetree


5 year old buck +
Is anybody interested in some Kentucky coffeetree seeds? The kids and myself collected some for a coworker and he decided he didnt want them.
Nice trees, they get BIG, I plant em all the time on city projects as they are as tough as they come.
Nice trees, they get BIG, I plant em all the time on city projects as they are as tough as they come.
Ive got a quality specimen and a slightly smaller one down by the creek. Thought about starting a few to plant in the yard. Easy to get when the pods finally drop.
Is there any realistic wildlife/timber value to them? I know where I can find some if I need/want them, but I never really considered them to be of much value that I was aware of. I would think the pods would make a mess in a lawn (I have walnuts).
We have several on our place. I've released a few just for variety. I haven't found a wildlife benefit yet though.