Keep getting same pics....


Buck Fawn
....over and over. My first post, hope I'm in right forum. Yesterday, we had a large area of our lease catch fire. (South Texas)1000 acres burnt between us and neighbors. We actually found out by cameras sending pic just as it started. We were lucky, only and vegetation damage. Problem is, we keep getting the same pics over and over since yesterday afternoon. Only get new pics when I go thru Cuddelink site to send pics( we have 4 G series). We are going down tomorrow to access damage, thinking I should take batteries out and restart cameras? Thanks, Kel
Rebooting it couldn’t hurt. Hopefully in didn’t get to hot.
clear the card and the cell and remote que on all cameras, this is almost always a card issue if tis cuddelink camera. worst case scenario replace the card but i woudl clear everything and then also clear the camera with card removed.