Just want to thank everyone!


I know I've said this place could end up as personal blog for a few of us and that would be fine, and it would. But this is better and while a few of us moderate we don't make the place, you guys do. There are long time original posters, some that stop now and again, new guys and everything in between. I'm not forgetting the crazy apple tree guys that floor me with thier knowledge. (I think we may have more fruit tree info than anyone)

And lately we can disagree with respect. I like that!

Just a thought that came through my mind, we've been thanked the in past as mods, just wanted to say thanks, "You're" appreciated to those that contribute. April will be year 4 for H.T. Not bad for something that started on a whim...

Thank you Bill.
There’s no reason grown men can’t get along. If we knew everything then what would we need a forum for. The whole point is to ask questions and read. You can often take a little piece from here and there and suit it to your needs. This site is excellent.
The success of my camp's apple, crab, & pear trees can largely be attributed to knowledge gained from guys on this forum. Same goes for our food plots. There's such a broad spectrum of knowledge and experience on here that covers a range of topics. This is a mighty valuable resource IMO. There's nothing quite like hearing from guys who've "been there - done that" with things they've planted, cut, logged, seeded, rotated, etc. Even shared info on hiring a good contractor, dependable equipment, nursery info, and links to other sources of info are on here. And recipes !! Kind of "one-stop shopping" to some extent !!

I'll add my thanks to the many guys & a few ladies who've contributed and shared their knowledge & experiences, and to John and the mods who've given us all a place to interact. Remote handshake !!:emoji_thumbsup:I hope this place keeps going and flourishing.
Agree with all posts.
This site has saved me a bunch of mistakes with my projects and I've gleaned a lot of good info here. I really appreciate all the help everyone has given me the last couple years, I get the biggest kick out of seeing and hearing how everyone develops their properties. I think I learn something new from this site every week....big thank you to everyone here.
Not as frequent a poster as I used to be. 4 rascals and a pretty wife keep be busy! I enjoy popping in and seeing what you all are up to. Have made some life long friendships through this forum. That is pretty awesome!! Thank You Gents
Fruit trees rule, remember that Bill. :)
This place is certainly one of my "Favorites". It takes support from everybody....from the mods to contributors to those simply being willing to agree to dis-agree, to even encouraging the new guys to join in. I think this group does a pretty good job trying to either make positive posts and comments or at least try to be constructive even if there is a difference of opinion. That makes a huge difference.
Fruit trees rule, remember that Bill. :)

Planted 10 a few years back and it was a miserable failure. Going to baby step back into it this year.
I am glad I found this place. There's lots of knowledge being spread around, and the guys are respectful of each other, unlike other forums.
Love this place. Thanks to everyone involved.
I am deeply thankful to everyone here for sharing their knowledge and experience. I have benefited greatly from it all, and I hope to contribute more and more as I learn.

I also appreciate how mature and respectful people are here compared to other forums. It makes it a real joy to participate.