Just mowing??


5 year old buck +
Our woods was select cut about 5 years ago. Couple spots the regen is really slow. Lots of stump and brush in there with lots of ferns. Thinking about talking the walk behind and just slowly start cutting that area down. What will regrow for them to eat?

Also thought about throwing some alfalfa in there, but that takes a lot of fertilizer.

Any of you just mow an area for the heck of it and not plant anything??
If there is enough light hitting the floor you could poke cuttings in next spring.
Shrubs like button bush and dappled Willow seem to week for me. In an area like that I'd just poke them walk away and see how they make out. You may have to tube them but that's a pain in the ....
If you don't like the shrubs naturally popping up there I'd say go for it. If your woods was cut 5 years ago I'd guess your property is really thick in most areas so a random opening or two would give a little variety.

That might be a good spot to throw a handful of acorns, wild plums, dogwood seeds or some other seeds that could fill in naturally. I've never had any luck with cuttings in areas with weed or brush competition, but seeds seem to do OK if you throw out enough.
Can you burn it?

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My bet the ferns return.
Does that area get enough sunlight for new growth---could be thin there now because of a lack of sunlight?
Like others have touched on and your "ferns" comment - I bet the available light is limited and it's a damp or cooler soil as well. As such regrowth will be slow and may not be of the variety you desire. I have a few places like this - typically north facing slopes and I simply let mother nature do her thing with some additional help of a chainsaw trying to get more light into the area. Sunlight is the key.....
Ferns also like low ph. Toss some lime on it, and get some light on it, you will get more desired plants growing.

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