Just asking a favor.

how does Bill Clinton get hammered for chasing women and Donald Trump gets no such criticism

I don’t believe Trump was previously mentioned in the thread. That’s probably why there is no praise or criticism of him.

From my stand point, yep his actions are just a slimey.

If you’d like to start another thread or PM me I’d be happy to discuss why I personally over look some of his short comings. Major factor for me is T nor his party openly attacks one religion while praising another.

Help wanted signs everywhere probably come in at the top though.

As for criticism or lack there of..
Have you turned on a TV?
We are all hypocrites....Some just have a real hard time hiding it!
Turn the other cheek fellas.
I've gotten to the point where I seriously think that I can't trust anyone who would want to run for office because of how slimey you have to be to get there and stay there.

Neither side represents me, and IMO they're all pretty much the same product just relabeled with a D or R by their name.
No matter who's in the office, I've still gotta get up, go to work, provide for my family, and attempt to create a Booner's Paradise. The rest is details.

That said, I am also grateful for that "space" in p orn, because my filter wouldn't let me open it either. Now I see why you guys were getting all sweaty looking at apples. I"m glad I didn't miss the thread.
Topics of Religion and Politics......that do NOT pertain to deer hunting or management......
.......or just be patient

........thread will morph into "tubes v cages" soon......

Back on topic....I want to know why the OP is surfing the net on company time! Just kidding....

Great thread in a weird kind of way.
I was the one who got this thread off topic, and I apologize for it. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone here or get political stuff started. This is too good of a forum for anything like that. So, please accept my apology and let's get back to habitat.
.......or just be patient

........thread will morph into "tubes v cages" soon......


Speaking of tubes, I've got at least 500 4"x36" mesh tubes I'll never use. Just don't want to ship them.
Also if someone is as motivated as I Once was, I've got a 3 point plastic mulch layer that I'd let go cheap to the right home. It will lay miles of lumite or plastic up to 5 foot wide.
Speaking of tubes, I've got at least 500 4"x36" mesh tubes I'll never use. Just don't want to ship them.
Also if someone is as motivated as I Once was, I've got a 3 point plastic mulch layer that I'd let go cheap to the right home. It will lay miles of lumite or plastic up to 5 foot wide.

If 1 is good, 500 is better

I like that kind of thinking
Bill - In answer to your question about TV, I see enough of it, & there isn't much that's interesting or educational anymore. My comment directed at +/- input about Clinton's & Trump's womanizing was related to comments on here - not coverage in various media elsewhere. I guess I wasn't clear in that. I wanted to clear that up now. I hold no bad vibes for anyone here !!

I ( sadly ) have to agree with Roymunson ( post #24 ) in his assessment of politicians these days. In my view, the country would be better on many fronts if regular, avg. citizens were in office. But one must get in bed with many devils to secure the $$$$$$$$$$ it takes to get there & stay there. One side accuses the other of things they themselves are guilty of. All the behind-the-scenes secret meetings continue to please narrow-focused lobbyists who hold all the campaign contribution money on behalf of mega-rich donors. ( Who by the way, don't give a rat's ass about 99% of Americans. ) The loser in this high-stakes game - the country as a whole.

Do any of us who are old enough to remember back 20, 30, 40 years really think things are better now ??? ( in terms of keeping the country strong and well-functioning ). The country's infrastructure - electrical grid, water treatment facilities, sewage, communication networks ( hardwired variety & much harder to tamper with ), roads & bridges, etc. - is falling apart. Obama tried to get funding for many infrastructure projects, but McConnell & Ryan shut that voting down. FACT. How does that help the country and you & me ?? It was all about who gets political credit for getting a bill passed. ( both sides are guilty of the same tactics ). If Joe's water is polluted with some chemical from an industrial site, illegal dump, or crumbling water treatment plant ( and has been for years ) - that problem won't get addressed in the firestorm of, " He did this / Well - you did that " It's like listening to little kids arguing on a playground. Ethics ???? ………….. are you shittin' me ?? Politicians trumpet the word and don't know the first step in being ethical. They aren't working for the country - they're working for themselves and their future AFTER they leave office. Anybody lose money in their retirement accts. or college savings for their kids in the financial P.O.S. debacle that started in 2007 by de-regulation of the financial services industry ?? The politicians didn't. Their retirement pensions are GUARANTEED ( by actions taken by themselves ), & funded by you & me. That pressure you feel around your hemorrhoids is being applied by all the fine politicians who are "serving the public". The only difference is - one side uses sand for lube and the other uses broken glass. :emoji_rage:

Back to habitat. Apologies to Skelly.
Just a big s--t sandwhich, take a bite and pass it on.