Japanese beetles eat fruit


5 year old buck +
I can honestly say I have never seen this before and did not even know it happened, but my buddies pear tree yesterday was covered with Japanese beetles. They were not on the leaves but on the pears themselves. Actually burying there head in the fruit. He saw signs all over the pears of this happening. First for me, anyone seen this before? I had no idea they ate fruit.
Yes, Jap Beatles eat fruit, not just leaves. I think they prefer the leaves but when heavy insect pressure they attack both.

Just when I thought my disdain for those parasitic SJWs had peaked, new damning information comes to the forefront. I had no plans this weekend. Now I do.

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Yes, Jap Beatles eat fruit, not just leaves. I think they prefer the leaves but when heavy insect pressure they attack both.

Thanks for the info, I had no idea. Funny, they won't touch my pear tree leaves or his, in fact, they haven't even touched his apple tree leaves, but they hammer my apple tree leaves and birch tree leaves something fierce if I don't get the Sevin on in time. I just put a heavy dose of Sevin granular on all my grass last week to hopefully kill the larva those bastards have dropped. And by heavy I mean twice the recommended dose.
Know they're distant cousins to the subject japanese beetles but dadgum june bugs are beating me to about half my figs right now.

Normally they don’t bother my pear trees much but this has been about the worst year I’ve seen for them and by this time of season usually the threat has past, but like I said it’s been an above normal jap beetle year for sure.
They were terrible on my cherry trees and hazelnuts, I caught them early on the apple trees...they even went after pin oaks this year.
I sure wish they would develop an appetite for poison ivy locust trees and honeysuckle.... I absolutely hate those shiny green bastards.