Is This Plum Curculio Larvae?


5 year old buck +
I read up on it some. The plum curcio larvae like to be near the stone of the fruit. The heads are usually more reddish. Doesn't look like it too much from the picture.

I'd bet that is what you have.

I read up on it some. The plum curcio larvae like to be near the stone of the fruit. The heads are usually more reddish. Doesn't look like it too much from the picture.

I'd bet that is what you have.

These are always right against the stone
That’s pretty much why I gave up on peaches at my place way to buggy even in years I would spray a little they where riddled with bugs and I’m not much of a sprayer so I threw in the towel on peaches.
That’s pretty much why I gave up on peaches at my place way to buggy even in years I would spray a little they where riddled with bugs and I’m not much of a sprayer so I threw in the towel on peaches.
I spray a lot. Got a good clean crop of red haven peaches a few weeks ago. Not even sure what kind these are. Had about five peaches come off the tree - all have these larvae in them. Maybe the ones still on the tree will be cleaner
What are you spraying? Are you adding a quality spreader/sticker?
I have been spraying Bonide fruit tree spray and a combination of daconil and malathion. No sticker. Horribly wet this spring. Over twenty inches rain in the last three months. First batch of peaches looked great. This next tree, not so much - so far
I have been spraying Bonide fruit tree spray and a combination of daconil and malathion. No sticker. Horribly wet this spring. Over twenty inches rain in the last three months. First batch of peaches looked great. This next tree, not so much - so far
You may want to upgrade to something like Imidan or Assail, and add Nufilm P
Got over 40 apples, 2 pears, 2 peaches. Wife loves satrun peaches. Already got my work ahead of me with peach leaf curl. Already had one die from fireblight t seems. Replaced it.

Those curculio's also bother apples trees too.

I put sticky paper in hopes of getting catepillars. But they hatch on the tree. The sticky paper does show up who's messing with my trees.

Bonide has been working better for me at higher concentrations. Think I have been using 3 ounces a gallon. Whatever they advise, I doubled it. This is for catepillars, waiting for the 2nd wave of pests to come soon.