Is she really this pregnant already?


5 year old buck +
Cdy00259.JPG I know sometimes pics can be deceiving, but man, she looks awfully big to be just fat. Seems to early to be showing that she is carrying future fawns isn't it? What do you think?
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Maybe she came into estrous in October and got bred. That would have her dropping in April.
Maybe she has a slow metabolism.
Dang apples go right to the midsection. She's a fattie
I've read in some of Gene and Barry Wensel's writings that the oldest does in any area come into estrus in October and that early estrus period sets the timing for the peak 28 days later. If she came into estrus in Oct., maybe she DID get bred. It wouldn't be unheard of.
She's just big boned.....quit pickin' oh her! Haha
Yeah ......... and maybe she has a gland problem !!:rolleyes: Can't you just love her for who she IS ???
CAS and Bows, stop w/ the compliments and sticking up for her, she's obviously taken. Your not getting a date!!
This goes to women's real-life comments. Women will defend another woman of questionable eye appeal by saying stuff like that in post #7. But then the same women will turn 180 degrees and yap on & on about fat guys, bald guys, receding hairlines, too hairy, hair on his back, ugly feet, beer gut, etc. o_O How swiftly they turn !! Hypocrisy 101 !! It's hilarious.
Obviously no one taught her about carbs