Is deer hunting your greatest passion in life?

Aside from your family, kids, wife, etc.... Is deer hunting your greatest passion? If not, what is it? No right or wrong answers.
I have seasonal interests. Deer consume most of the year, but I squeeze in a focus on open water and ice fishing. In between all of that, I do enjoy a few trips out to Deadwood, wild eating, and drinkin in a garage.
I would have to say that the whole package-habitat, food plots and bow hunting are #1. I have been doing food plots for about 15yrs and hunting was in my top 3 but since doing habitat improvements for the last 5 yrs I can say other hobbies have taken the back seat.
Aside from your family, kids, wife, etc.... Is deer hunting your greatest passion? If not, what is it? No right or wrong answers.

Aside from my family
Land/habitat/hunting is my number 1 passion and stress reliever

a very close second in terms of passion my occupation as a paramedic. Nothing has challenged me more than understanding the human body, pharmacology, psychology and many more challenges that come with it. IF I won the lottery I would still show up for my next shift. I enjoy it that much

I tinker an enjoy allot of things such as long range shooting, reloading, trapping, self sufficient living
Buying my first chunk of hunting/recreational land is my current greatest passion. One reason I won't be doing much hunting this year is to save a few more pennies in hopes of buying land sooner. I've been looking at a new truck and got asked, "why don't you get one with a few bells and whistles." My reply, "I want hunting land. Don't give a rip if my truck has chrome or leather."
The hunting is only part of it. Managing/improving the land is also part of it. But this is only part of my passions. Fabricating is right up there but my greatest by all means is my bike. Nothing clears the mind like the open road listening to the Harley hum.
Designing, fabricating, and building (houses, outbuildings, etc) are way up there, followed by working the land and planting trees. Deer hunting has waned for me, but that's partly because I'm not seeing the big boys (or nearly as many girls) like we used to.

I love venison, I love spending time in the trees, but the pragmatic side of me is getting to where I'm seeing the time invested in hunting as time I should be using to do something more productive. A four deer sighting "season" turned me off last year. I'm not sure if I'll buy a license this year. I'm pretty sure I'm not trapping or getting a small game tag.
My passion is bow hunting. I enjoy rifle hunting with the camaraderie and tradition but, to me, it's a flicker in the wind compared to bow hunting. Land management / food plots enhanced everything significantly.
Buying my first chunk of hunting/recreational land is my current greatest passion. One reason I won't be doing much hunting this year is to save a few more pennies in hopes of buying land sooner. I've been looking at a new truck and got asked, "why don't you get one with a few bells and whistles." My reply, "I want hunting land. Don't give a rip if my truck has chrome or leather."
Come over to cloverdale.
Who are these "Packers" you speak of?......are they some kinda girls volleyball team? :D
My question also.
I love the whole process of managing the land for deer and killing one for the table. I like to work with other people who have similar interests and hope we can get more young people interested in the whole process.

I have meant a great group of guys who have become some of my best friends over the last few years. That has been a very worthhile and enjoyable experience.
After my family - Deer hunting ( bow 1st, rifle 2nd ) food plotting, planting apple & crab trees, evergreens, hawthorns and anything else that improves habitat for wildlife. I enjoy EVERYTHING about the outdoors. Just being out for a walk in the woods, or sitting at a high mountaintop look-out watching the sunset, cutting firewood, picking wild berries, canoeing, fishing ......... they all beat the H out of indoor pastimes ........... save for one !!!;)

One particular thing I really get jacked up about is reading buck sign and piecing together his / their movements and figuring out where he'll be at given times. Bedding area with several ways in & out of it. Sherlock Holmes of the woods !!!!
a very close second in terms of passion my occupation as a paramedic. Nothing has challenged me more than understanding the human body, pharmacology, psychology and many more challenges that come with it. IF I won the lottery I would still show up for my next shift. I enjoy it that much
I would too, but for a different reason. So I could tell all the brass to F off!