5 year old buck +
I just found out that my new neighbor, who I go to the gun range with a few times a month has gotten his hunter safety credentials and has asked to go out hunting with me this season. He is 23 years old and was fresh off the boat from Afghanistan last January, so the only thing he has ever hunted is goatf*(k!ng towelheads. Always willing to introduce new poeple to the sport, I of course said sure and he has his license for this gun deer season. Any and all reading material suggestions for newbies(remember, kid from Janesville area that has never hunted anything, so keep it simple), personal suggestions or comments are welcomed. It has already been ingrained that above all other rules, it is Safety First and Foremost! I have already warned him that the populations are down where we typically hunt, so not to have any expectations of the kill. I have made it clear that learning and camaraderie should be his "goals" for this season and kills are to be viewed as incidental to the rest. Kind of sucks we are basically in a no antlerless kill zone this fall, but maybe we can get out during the late holiday hunt in the Farmland Zone to harvest a doe if it doesn't go well during the regular season. Wish us luck!