Interesting read, and it has meaning beyond gps usage

You hear the same thing about big animal vets. The old guys don't have the heart to retire even though they could because they don't want to leave farmers and others they've known for years in the lurch. The new ones all want to take care of foo foo city dogs, live in a nice area, not have to travel and still make good dough
I think by "country" you mean those that run the education system.

They are building a new high school in the "largest" city next to me about 30k people. They are actually building special class rooms to add hands on curriculum for just that very purpose. Kids will be able to take high school classes that start them down the road to certain trades while still in high school. There is a shortage of all trades type people in our local area. Cant build fast enough to keep up with the demand. College is ridiculously over priced. On top of that if you are middle class and your child is not a straight 4.0 coming out of high school there is very little scholarship money available. Learned that the hard way with a freshman in college this year who was the 3rd smartest in her graduating class.

Yes. The ones that run the education system and the ignorant parents that tell their kids a pile of debt and diploma is a necessary investment. I like the sound of that new school.

I'm not against college if a person has a plan. I have a mech engineering degree. I did graduate with some debt. But I had a plan and a goal.

My kids will get some or all of the required cash for college. But they better have a plan and goals. I'm not investing in liberal arts.

I now work in sales in manufacturing/machinist type of industry. I could walk into a 100 different plants right now and talk to managers who want to hire "good" people. There is a definite shortage of young people interested in that type of work.

My company is always hiring salesmen. Degrees are not required. I just recruited a young guy right off a plant floor where he spent 7 years running a machining center. He had no degree and in many ways he did not have the right kind of experience. But he did have "it". "It" is our term covering work ethic, personal ethics, willingness to learn and go the extra mile.

My bosses saw the same thing in him as I did. 10 minutes after introducing him to one of my customers, I was asked where we found him and if he has a brother. There are always jobs for good hard working people and a diploma doesn't mean they have "it".

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