I dunno Bill. My situation involved smartweed. There were other weed types in the clover, but I thought if I could get a handle on the smartweed I could manage the others, somehow. I'm not sure what you got there and how effective IMOX will be on whatever it is, perennials and annuals considered. Then, I have to ask, how old is your clover to get an idea of how extensive the root system might be in order to survive a bigger than 'expected' dose of IMOX. What's your risk tolerance? I was ready to lose my clover. Measure it twice, cut it once? Or, go for the max and take whatever comes?
I was very happy with the equivalent of 10oz IMMOX per acres with a good percentage of crop oil in the finished spray solution. Most crop oil recommendations are for 1% of the finished solution. I'm sure I used more. There was rain in the forecast and I wanted to cheat it. It didn't rain. The weeds got handled, but I must tell you, initially, I think the crop oil burned (spotted) the clover.
Recommendation 1 (low risk, low reward potential) (Equivalents per acre): 4 oz IMMOX, 1% CROP OIL
Recommendation 2 (medium-high risk and reward}: 6-8 oz IMMOX, 3% crop oil
Recommendation 3 (high risk, high reward) 10 oz IMMOX 5% crop oil.
Chicory, was it? Not before September if you choose 3 - UNLESS you get a lot of rain and have a very permeable soil.
I have to wonder of I got away with the rates I used (high risk - high reward) because of all the rain and eventual standing water we had last summer.
If this doesn't make any sense, blame it on the oatmeal stout.