Imox (generic Raptor) anyone use it on clover?

I'm obsessive compulsive. This little piece of clover was infested with smart weed last summer. I sprayed IMOX in late July. I chose this picture because of the flooded area. Heck, for the last year everything has been flooded. But, this is prime area for smart weed. Is it gone? Did IMOX do its thing? I suspect the weed will return. What I do know is this - without IMOX last year there would be no clover there, now.
^^^^^^^what type clover is that?

Is that bottomland clay that is frequently flooded?

Anything else grow well there?

^^^^^^^what type clover is that?

Is that bottomland clay that is frequently flooded?

Anything else grow well there?

It's sandy loam about about 18 inches above the typical water table and a clay loam subsoil. I can tell you more about it than you want to know. It's a problem. I have no idea what variety of white clover is in there. I've used about 8 different one's trying to get something to grow there. That's another story. I've used everything from Durana to ordinary, variety not stated to ladino to whatever's in Whitetail Institue - what's it called? There's a lesson in all of that, too. But, right now I can't find my hat.
Can you spray imox/Clearcast/raptor more than once a year?
Can you spray imox/Clearcast/raptor more than once a year?
TERRESTRIAL RESTRICTIONS DO NOT apply more than 1 pound of imazamox acid equivalent (1 gallon) per acre per year. DO NOT exceed 2 applications of Alligare IMOX Herbicide per year. Minimum Retreatment Interval: 14 days

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I didn't lookup it up, but I think it has a fairly long in-season residual. Both good and bad. Don't seed once you've sprayed. If you do seed, you must wait for the (I'm working from a bad memory) the second tri-leaf to appear.
I agree. Raptor is a must have herbicide in my arsenal.
This ground was once smartweed breeding ground like some of you other guys. What a pain it was back then.
I used IMOX last year with great success on my Clover and chicory mix from Drop Tine Seed Company. I sprayed once early in summer and once about September 1 and kept the weeds at bay
It depends. Typically if you get to spraying before the weeds get over 3-inches, then 3 or 4 oz to the acre should do it. I've used as much as 10 ounces mid summer to salvage some really weedy clover fields.

Believe it or not there is a good base of clover in this plot. Not so much right in front of the camera but beyond it. I won’t get to it until about June 1st. Any suggestions on the rate of Imox to put down?

This is going to be one of my Imox test plots. Looking forward to being able to incorporate some chicory in the future.

Forgot the pic. Here it is.E3A3C6CD-9D2C-4183-82EA-F1F3CC068B50.jpeg
I dunno Bill. My situation involved smartweed. There were other weed types in the clover, but I thought if I could get a handle on the smartweed I could manage the others, somehow. I'm not sure what you got there and how effective IMOX will be on whatever it is, perennials and annuals considered. Then, I have to ask, how old is your clover to get an idea of how extensive the root system might be in order to survive a bigger than 'expected' dose of IMOX. What's your risk tolerance? I was ready to lose my clover. Measure it twice, cut it once? Or, go for the max and take whatever comes?

I was very happy with the equivalent of 10oz IMMOX per acres with a good percentage of crop oil in the finished spray solution. Most crop oil recommendations are for 1% of the finished solution. I'm sure I used more. There was rain in the forecast and I wanted to cheat it. It didn't rain. The weeds got handled, but I must tell you, initially, I think the crop oil burned (spotted) the clover.

Recommendation 1 (low risk, low reward potential) (Equivalents per acre): 4 oz IMMOX, 1% CROP OIL

Recommendation 2 (medium-high risk and reward}: 6-8 oz IMMOX, 3% crop oil

Recommendation 3 (high risk, high reward) 10 oz IMMOX 5% crop oil.

Chicory, was it? Not before September if you choose 3 - UNLESS you get a lot of rain and have a very permeable soil.
I have to wonder of I got away with the rates I used (high risk - high reward) because of all the rain and eventual standing water we had last summer.

If this doesn't make any sense, blame it on the oatmeal stout.
What's your risk tolerance? I was ready to lose my clover.

Pretty high. Like you I can nuke it and not loose sleep. The plot is very old so roots should be good. I should probably kill everything and start over but since it’s only about 1/4 acre I figured I’d test the Imox on the worst plot I have. Also have pretty bad smart weed in another one which is why I bought it.
Bill, 6oz imox mixed with a couple pounds of ammonium sulfate per acre should do the job on your field. Give it a 3-4 weeks and it should be dead
Not to hijack, but I didn’t want to start a thread for the same thing, looks like maybe Johnsongrass? This is a plot that has laid fallow for a bit by the previous owner and I enlarged it to about an acre. Brand new ladino planted in March. Buckwheat broadcast in April with the intention of trying to choke out some weeds. Didn’t happen. Wanted to spray imox. Good or bad idea? Don’t particularly want to kill the clover because it is coming up nicely believe it or not.
I don’t remember Johnson grass control being on the IMOX label - and i’d Be extremely surprised if it was. The problem with Johnsongrass control is the size of its “root system.” My off the cuff recommendation is glyphosate in a weed wiper or thru mechanical means like mowing assuming you don’t want to kill everything and start over.
IMOX probably is the wrong choice for new clover.
FarmerDan, what has been your experience or your knowledge of Canadian thistle in clover/chickory plots using Imox? I've been mowing with a weed eater, spot spraying with gly or 24d.
FarmerDan, what has been your experience or your knowledge of Canadian thistle in clover/chickory plots using Imox? I've been mowing with a weed eater, spot spraying with gly or 24d.

Basagran used to be recommended to be mixed with raptor (imox) to control thistle in legume plots. Imox alone will not control it but may set it back. I do not think Basagran is labeled for Chicory.

If spot spraying I would use gly and mix in about a quarter to half rate of 2,4D and AMS. Make sure to get the AMS as I know the mixture is sensitive and AMS will help maintain proper ph.

I have been reading the forums for years and have yet to see a magic bullet herbicide for your situation. If the infestation is bad you may want to consider doing a rotation.
FarmerDan, what has been your experience or your knowledge of Canadian thistle in clover/chickory plots using Imox? I've been mowing with a weed eater, spot spraying with gly or 24d.

Fortunately, I don’t have to deal with thistle.
Pretty high. Like you I can nuke it and not loose sleep. The plot is very old so roots should be good. I should probably kill everything and start over but since it’s only about 1/4 acre I figured I’d test the Imox on the worst plot I have. Also have pretty bad smart weed in another one which is why I bought it.
Going into my 3rd season with IMOX. I have multiple small .25 -.4 acre clover plots so I only utilize a 4gal. backpack sprayer. IMOX has worked well for me and never killed any of my various types of clover.

I was instructed use IMOX with Nitro-surf for convenience instead of using a surfactant plus AMS but I imagine either would work. I use about 20-25 mL IMOX with 10-12oz. Nitro-Surf in my 4 gal. backpack.

It works great for me on:
several types of grasses, daisie infestation, smartweed infestation, a couple other weeds that created a mat and blocked the sun but I can't remember their names right now

It set back but did not kill:
dock. I think mine is curlydock. stops it from growing and degrades the root but does not kill the thick taproot.
several kinds of goldenrod. stops it from growing but does not kill it and you can easily pull it out. I have 5+ different species of goldenrod.

It has not been effective on:
field thistle. But I was ok with some of those in the plot since they have insect/other wildlife value.

It was not low cost but it worked well. I purchased the 1 quart size and since I only need 25 mL per backpack I have alot remaining for the next 2-3 years.
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FarmerDan, what has been your experience or your knowledge of Canadian thistle in clover/chickory plots using Imox? I've been mowing with a weed eater, spot spraying with gly or 24d.
Don't waste it on thistle. I never had much luck killing CT with Raptor.
How much thistle do you have?
My advice for fighting canada thistle... don't worry about the plot. Get the ct under control with what will get the job done and plant what will work within the parameters of the chosen herbicide. Once you get the evil weed controlled, then plant what you want.
I chased my tail trying to eliminate ct in clover. Raptor, and spot spraying gly didn't work. Too many parameters with Raptor...plant has to be small, restrictions on applications per year, and it still didn't eliminate the crap. Gly sets back thistle, but it always returned.
I finally switched to spot spraying clopyralid 3 and my thistle issue has vastly improved.