I'm getting frustrated

Serious question but since I don't know the guy I don't want to make assumptions... How old is he? Is there a possibility that dementia is setting in? I've know a few people who have/had different types of dementia. It can be a weird thing. A guy can seem perfectly normal in almost all aspects but makes no sense in a singular thing that he used to be good at. From my experience it's very frustrating for the people around them (until they know what's going on then everything that had been going on adds up). Good luck with resolving the situation. From what you've posted I can't think of anything I'd done differently, other than maybe help him fill his tags so that he'll quit hunting for the season.
No the guys only in is probably mid 30s. About 20 years younger than me lol! I cringe at the thought of having to talk to him about this just because I don't want him to feel like I think he's stupid or anything like that. But at some point the discussion is going to have to be made if this keeps up.
No the guys only in is probably mid 30s. About 20 years younger than me lol! I cringe at the thought of having to talk to him about this just because I don't want him to feel like I think he's stupid or anything like that. But at some point the discussion is going to have to be made if this keeps up.

Yep, I was way off base. Good luck figuring out how to talk with him. Could be tough to get your point across in a polite way.
Yep, I was way off base. Good luck figuring out how to talk with him. Could be tough to get your point across in a polite way.
I agree. That's exactly my fear. It would almost be better if I thought he was doing it on purpose to screw me. It would be easier to be a dick
When we bought our 40 acre property the hunting was great as we had a retired couple next door on their 10 acres. The deer would bed on the back of my 40 and all over the neighbors 10 acres. I planted the food on my place and drew in deer from all over and the hunting was great for our area. Then a new guy buys the old couple's place and he said he is a big hunter. I told him he will really like it here and the hunting is really good on my place and will also be on his land. I told him he has 1/2 the bedding in the immediate area and if he plays the wind he will get a shot at a good one every year.

But he watched too many hunting shows and decided he needed to bulldoze all his trees bordering my field so he can make a plot. Then he put his big stand on the back side of his plots so he has to walk across the plots and the edge of my property line to enter and leave. Then he bulldozed a path the back of his property and started driving his UTV there daily. He told me he didn't understand why the deer aren't using his property and I told him why.

Then since he wasn't getting deer legally, he started running illegal bait piles and was caught hunting over bait.

Hopefully your neighbor doesn't start doing illegal things to make up for his poor hunting skills and planning, but I've personally seen it before. It really sucks when a crappy neighbor can completely screw up an otherwise awesome property.
lol, my cousin joined our 800 acre lease a few yrs ago. He wasn't an experienced deer hunter, but he was family and we welcomed him aboard. Let him have free reign over 200 acres on the south end where we didn't have any stands. He said he saw some deer, but couldn't get a shot. He also told us a few times he'd almost get lost on the property. Lost, on 200 acres, with fencing? Next year, seeing deer again but no shots, and he's still getting turned around. He introduced me to the huntstand app, said he was now using it to help him navigate. I got the app cause I liked it showing surrounding landowners. What he didn't count on was me seeing where he was at on the app. I found out he could make it till about 8am before he got up and started walking, and then he was ending up over a mile from his stand.
I watched this happen 3 times before I let him know what I knew. He responded with he would see way more deer while walking, and wanted to know if shooting one in the butt would be a lethal shot. OMG.
After many counseling sessions, he's better, but still like his chances trying to "indian" one up. You can lead a horse to water....
Now I am pissed. Been waiting for an east wind to sit in my favorite stand. Got an east wind today, and he's in stand...yep same one,straight east of mine down the tree line. So I get to sit in the middle stand tonight. This is getting old
How could you change your land to take advantage of your clueless neighbor? If the deer naturally prefer to bed on his place, can you plant a bunch of trees in your field to eventually create the best bedding in the area? Then his hunting will just push all the deer on his place over to yours. It isn't a quick fix, but it doesn't sound like it is likely that he will give up hunting any time soon.
Right now I'm going the passive aggressive text route .lol
Playing dumb like I don't know he's out.
Maybe learned a lesson yesterday.
Watched 3 hightail it across the field in his direction. About 50 yards from the tree line they stopped dead ,noses up in the air sniffed for a couple minutes and spun and ran right back towards me.
Guy texts if a seen that, how they didn't like something And turned.
I said they winded you and you spooked them, one of the them is the smartest doe in the area. She busted me in a tree 2 years ago and to this day looks in that tree everytime I see her and doesn't come close to it.
He says, maybe I didn't make such a good choice in stands today ..... Ya think?