I waited 19 months to get this back....

Very Nice NH!

I love all the rough bumps on the bases and the Brows. I think that adds a lot of character. Great Deer, anymore like him running around?

Thanks Mo. I've had some 3 year olds that would have been bigger than him if they had lived as long, but they didn't make it. I've not seen anything yet on camera so far this year that would be in his class, but I generally pick up more deer in the fall transition.
Love the hx an the story of that buck! Mount looks great. Look forward to seeing what you got running around this yr
sandbur, I didn't weigh him and regret it. But, his body was really massive. Here are a couple of pictures that show how big his body was:

That is a great buck!
Thanks guys.

I will add one more little tidbit to the story that you might like.

Before season that year I went into one of the local hunting stores to pick up some gun cleaning supplies. The guy asked me if I had entered their deer contest. I said "no, never had entered it before, what does it cost?" He said it was free. So, of course I entered, but never thought there would be a hope of winning it.

To make a long story short, that deer did win it, and I didn't know until they called me that the prize was $1,000. LOL, I can buy a lot of red clover and chicory seed with a payout like that.:D
Great deer / great story / nice looking mount.
That's a brute!! Congrats on the deer. Enjoy your new mount!!
Nice deer and a nice mount.
I'm late seeing this thread, Native - but WOW what a great deer !!! Great story to go with it. Really good looking mount, too. The pic with the front bucket lifting it tells how big he was. That'll be a hunt that sticks with you for years !!! Congrats on the buck !!!
awesome buck and love KY try and get up there once a year, I have a friend who is an outfitter in Central KY out of Lawrenceburg..
Very Nice!!