I may have to try new cuddeback

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Was checking out the new 2014 cams and looks like cuddeback is 20mp with a price tag of $150! Same price for black flash vs red flash. I know many have not had luck with the previous model but I think I may have to give it a try. Guess somebody has to be the Ginny Pig. Anyone played with these yet or planning on trying one?
did they finally pull their head out of their ass? i might have to try this camera too.
I have a capture and a expert, both are junk. I called cuddyback, they will allow you to return any cuddeback, and purchase a new one for half price, unfortunately not the $150 ones. pshaw!!!!
Ever try a Covert, I really like mine.
yeah....cuddeback lost my business in 2010. terrible customer service and a terrible product, the capture IR. It now hangs on a tree along my property line as trespassing "deterrent".
20MP is way too much. It's cool for counting hairs on a deer, but that's about it. Beyond that, anything above 4MP makes it hard to post to a forum, or to email. Those high power pics need to be resized so you can actually show them to someone. I've heard (no first hand here) that the trigger speed leaves something to desire with Cuddebacks.
I've had some issues with my Moultrie M-880, but at the end of the day the job gets done. It may not be frame worthy every time, but it delivers what you need. Most times, the pics are frame worthy, and you can work with them.
I'll never buy another Cuddeback again. They are junk. Their product has been going down hill, this price is a reflection of that quality. That exchange deal is a rip off.
Good point on the high MP being difficult to share pics. Didnt really think about that that. Im still gonna give it a shot. So far I have a Bushnell trophy, browning strike force, and moultrie 880. Im pretty happy with all of them. The Bushnell is prolly my favorite; Battery life is sweet. Moultrie is way sensitive with lots of pics of grass blowing. Browning is pretty solid so far but still to early to know for sure..
Good point on the high MP being difficult to share pics. Didnt really think about that that. Im still gonna give it a shot. So far I have a Bushnell trophy, browning strike force, and moultrie 880. Im pretty happy with all of them. The Bushnell is prolly my favorite; Battery life is sweet. Moultrie is way sensitive with lots of pics of grass blowing. Browning is pretty solid so far but still to early to know for sure..

The triple flash looks interesting to me and I might try that one when they are available. I believe you can choose between 5mp or 20mp on the new white flash cudde. I was told that the white flash cam will not be available until the end of July/early August.
you can set the new cuddebacks for 1, 5 or 20 mega pixel, i have been using one and the pics are excellent
you can set the new cuddebacks for 1, 5 or 20 mega pixel, i have been using one and the pics are excellent
Every Cuddeback I have owned started out great and for one reason or another they have ALL failed some after 6 months others after a year. But they ALL failed. Hope you have better luck!
I hate them as well. Own 7 of them. I performed an update on one of my perfectly good captures, hoping for better quality pics and battery life. The camera stopped working after that. Terrible customer service! My friend purchased 2 of the black flash ones and it has rediculously poor night pics. I do utilize their replacement program and swap them with only the attack IR. I think it's their best camera. I'm sure their new camera is going to be okay, but I'd wait for them to cycle through for a year to get the bugs out them.
you can set the new cuddebacks for 1, 5 or 20 mega pixel, i have been using one and the pics are excellent

Volk, which new cudde have you been using?
I'm losing faith in cuddebacks, think g about trying some Bushnell cams, any models worth the money?
those are some examples of the e2 and e3 photos, the night images i tried to pick pics that the deer were moving
How's the battery life been so far for you?
i have one of the cameras set on time lapse(plot mode) and i am close to or over 30,000 images and they are still show full this is with lithiums and set at 5 mp,