I hate Hornets :(

OK...got my bug suit on....and fastened my tarp over the gunnels. Set off the "bomb" in the dark at about 11:30 PM...when it is cool.....and hornets cannot see in the dark (I read). I hope I get every one of those bald face hornets. ;)
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So.....after giving them another day.....I pulled off the boat cover and found about 50 hornets laying dead on the floor of the boat. Then I sprayed some bug killer in some of the seams and under a few hatches. When I opened the battery hatch......I found the big hornets nest with some live hornets crawling about....but kinda "groggy". I had a spray honet and wasp killer handy so I hosed down the nest and perhaps another 10 fell out of the nest. THEN....I took this pic before closing the hatch.

This "bomb" idea worked pretty well. I did sacrifice one of my wives cake pans for the bomb....and I'm glad I did. Lots of white gooey liquid that would stain or soak into carpeting, etc.

Put this method in my memory bank! THANKS FOR THE ADVICE ON HOW TO TO GO ABOUT THIS!
nest.JPG pan.JPG
Glad you got them. The bug bomb idea was a new one to me also.
Wow, they were busy in there. That's a big nest.
Maybe try that bug bomb idea in an enclosed deer stand that has a nest in it.
Maybe try that bug bomb idea in an enclosed deer stand that has a nest in it.
Absolutely would work in that situation. However the instructions say not to use in less than 5x5' size room (??).....perhaps too intense?? I think it would work very well.

Went walleye fishing again tonite. We picked up two...enough for a good meal. Life is right again.
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It might leave too much residue for safe human contact.
Seeing that picture just makes my skin crawl. I hate those suckers.
Glad you were able to get them with out any pain

I bug bomb the cabin in the spring and fall to keep the creepy crawlers under control
Ha, I don't feel at all bad for them :)

As far as using a bomb in a box stand. Yes I've done it. If you leave the box closed up and get in it you won't stay long. "Trust me"

But if you go back and open the windows for a few days all is well.