Hunting Clubs!



Friend of mine got a call from this place to lease out his land here in Missouri. Do or have any of you used a club like this? Any pro's or Con's to using one of these places?
Basically they are paying you to essentially open up your land to public hunting.
You would have no control who enters your land. Don't see it as a good thing for any land owner. Maybe alright to be a member though.
There was no premium to leasing to this club, verses to just a couple of guys. He did not do it and I don't know why anyone would!
I have seen outfits that try to get landowners and hunters together on a lease agreement that works thru a central party. I am not sure how much business they do. I thought about contacting them just to see what I could get - just out of curiosity. I do know that leasing isn't overly popular in IN but is gaining in popularity simply because farmers can make some extra cash from their land that really wasn't available before. This will only increase as IN is 99% private property and finding a place can be difficult for an "outsider". The days of knocking on doors and getting the OK is long gone at least in my area. You better have friends, family or know somebody or your hunting public ground with all the other yea-who's.
You better have friends, family or know somebody or your hunting public ground with all the other yea-who's.
Hey now!
Don't mean to offend. They are not all yea-who's.......just most of them!;) You got the gist of the message....... don't make a big deal out of it. I'll break out the 4 letter "Q" word! I'll do it, I swear I will! And then the whole thread just goes to $hit!:D
;)Your preaching to the choir j-bird. I already hunt around enough of those people, I don't need any more of them on the landscape. I hope they all find themselves a nice little overpriced parcel to lease.
Buddy if mine is in one of these clubs an does pretty well. He an his kids kill descent bucks every yr. Not sure what club he uses but if I remember correctly he pays 1500/yr an has places to hunt all over the midwest
Buddy if mine is in one of these clubs an does pretty well. He an his kids kill descent bucks every yr. Not sure what club he uses but if I remember correctly he pays 1500/yr an has places to hunt all over the midwest
I would agree that this might be a good deal for the hunters, but not so much for the landowners. I'm sure these "clubs" have very high criteria in which they use to "screen" their clients(not speaking towards your buddy Jordan, but there are likely many others out there), like the first guy with a check that doesn't bounce.:rolleyes: